The Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project 5/e


Sale price$234.00

By Zina O'Leary, Emma Tennent
Release Date:
246.00h x 184.00w

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Zina O'Leary is an internationally recognized leader in research methodologies and has a keen interest in the application of research to evidence-based decision-making. Zina is a Senior -Fellow at the Australia and New Zealand School of Government where she coordinates research and project units for their Executive Masters and Executive Education Programmes. Zina also has an extensive history as a consultant to both government and the private sector and was the research coordinator for the Centre for Environmental Health Development at the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre. She is the author of Researching Real World Problems, The Social Science Jargon Buster, Workplace Research and three books in Sage's Little Quick Fix Series: Research Questions; Research Proposals; and Presenting Your Research. Emma Tennent is a senior lecturer at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington. She has experience teaching research methods and research paradigms to undergraduate and postgraduate students across a range of disciplines. She is the recipient of an Early Career Teaching Excellence Award and an accredited Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She works with Zina at the Australia and New Zealand School of Government as a research project advisor for the Executive Master of Public Administration. She has co-published with students and academic colleagues in the open-access book The Power of Partnership: Students, Staff, and Faculty Revolutionizing Higher Education.

Chapter 1: Taking the Leap into the Research World Chapter 2: Setting Up and Getting Started Chapter 3: Developing Your Research Question Chapter 4: Undertaking Credible and Ethical Research Chapter 5: Crafting a Research Proposal Chapter 6: Reviewing Literature Chapter 7: Designing a Research Plan Chapter 8: Understanding Methodologies: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches Chapter 9: Understanding Methodologies: Mixed Approaches Chapter 10: Understanding Methodologies: Evaluative, Action-Oriented and Emancipatory Strategies Chapter 11: Identifying and Selecting Samples, Informants and Cases Chapter 12: Primary Data: Surveys, Interviews and Observation Chapter 13: Secondary Data Chapter 14: Online Generated Data Chapter 15: Analysing Quantitative Data Chapter 16: Analysing Qualitative Data Chapter 17: The Challenge of Writing Up Chapter 18: Final Hurdles

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