Doing Research in the Real World 5/e


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By David E Gray
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Chapter 1: Introduction Part A: Principles and Planning for Research Chapter 2: Theoretical Perspectives and Research Methodologies Chapter 3: Selecting and Planning Research Proposals and Projects Chapter 4: Research Ethics Chapter 5: Searching, Critically Reviewing and Using the Literature Part B: Research Methodology Chapter 6: Quantitative Research Design Chapter 7: Qualitative Research Design Chapter 8: Mixed Methods Research Design Chapter 9: Sampling Strategies Chapter 10: Designing Descriptive and Analytical Surveys Chapter 11: Designing Case Studies Chapter 12: Designing Evaluations Chapter 13: Action Research and Change Part C: Data Collection Methods Chapter 14: Questionnaires and Surveys Chapter 15: Interviewing Chapter 16: Non-Participant Observation Chapter 17: Ethnography and Participant Observation Chapter 18: Focus Groups Chapter 19: Unobtrusive Measures Chapter 20: Visual Research Methods Chapter 21: Digital Research Methods Chapter 22: Secondary Data and Research Part D: Analysis and Report Writing Chapter 23: Data Management Chapter 24: Getting Started Using SPSS Chapter 25: Analysing and Presenting Quantitative Data Chapter 26: Getting Started Using NVivo Chapter 27: Analysing and Presenting Qualitative Data Chapter 28: Writing Up the Research Chapter 29: Preparing for Presentations and Vivas

This has to be one of my most often borrowed textbooks that rarely lingers on my shelves! Colleagues, doctoral students and masters students alike will find something of interest here - whether it be used as a reminder of terminology, or a quick introduction to a new field. -- Fiona Harris This stand-alone research handbook covers the basics, and beyond, of social science research in a detailed and student-friendly manner. Straightforward and sequentially structured, it contains step-by-step explanations of the essentials students need to know about qualitative and quantitative research methods and techniques to help them complete projects from start to finish. Very useful handbook for getting undergrads started and helping postgrads stay on track! -- Sharon du Plessis-Schneider This book is a very user-friendly and theoretically robust guide that will prove invaluable to researchers and students alike. I particularly like the breadth and depth with which all dimensions of the research process are addressed and explained. -- Thomas Garavan This textbook is unequivocally one of the best resources any student can own if they are required to do a research project or dissertation. This textbook is accessible to all and each chapter is written in a language that is plain, accurate and challenging in just the right quantities. Every element of the research process is clearly documented and discussed; many different types of research is included. -- Chelle Davison One of the best books about research design and methods - comprehensive and easy-to-comprehend. -- Marcin Grabowski

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