Chapter 1: Welcome to Welldoing Chapter 2: Cognitively comfy learning: Manage your environment to boost your learning potential Chapter 3: Time and task savvy learning: Adapt and flex your schedule for efficient learning Chapter 4: Stress-free learning (well almost!): Pro-actively manage your varied life demands and reduce unnecessary stress Chapter 5: Reader's and writer's block: Adapt how you interact with the page to get started with reading and writing tasks Chapter 6: Recipes for planning and writing: Handy recipes to help you successfully cook-up great pieces of writing Chapter 7: The revision elevator: Strategies to give your revision a lift! Chapter 8: Walking a tightrope: The safety net approach to thriving rather than surviving when public speaking Chapter 9: The hurdle-free approach to group work: Anticipate, plan for and manage the challenges of working with others Chapter 10: Tempting templates: Example templates to help you put Welldoing into practice
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A wonderfully insightful, informative guide full of useful strategies and tips and written in a very accessible way, extremely important if you're dyslexic like my boys. Sure it will be a huge success with students, parents and teacher alike. -- Liz Morris