Doris Schedlitzki is Professor in Organisational Leadership at London Metropolitan University. Doris' main research focus is on leadership and explores the areas of cultural studies of leadership, discourse and leadership, leadership as identity, psychoanalytic approaches to leadership and the role of national language within cultural leadership studies. Recent publications include articles and Special Issues in Leadership, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Management Learning, International Journal of Management Reviews, Human Relations, International Journal of Management Education, as well as a textbook on Leadership entitled 'Studying Leadership: Traditional and Critical Approaches' (SAGE) - currently in its second edition - and an edited book on Worldly Leadership (Palgrave). Magnus Larsson is Associate Professor at the Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School. His main research focus is leadership and leadership development, particularly from organizational and interactional perspectives. Recent publications include articles and Special Issues in Leadership, Human Relations, Management Learning, International Journal of Business Communication, Journal of Management Development, as well as textbook chapters and a chapter on 'Leadership in interaction' in the Routledge Companion to Leadership. Brigid Carroll is a Professor in the Department of Management and International Business and holds the Fletcher Building Employee Educational Fund Chair in Leadership at the University of Auckland in New Zealand. She teaches broadly in the area of leadership, organizational theory and qualitative research methods at undergraduate, postgraduate and executive level and does extensive cross sector leadership development work with corporate, community, professional, and youth organisations. Ongoing research themes revolve around identity work, power, responsibility and resistance, leadership development, distributed and collective leadership, cross system governance and discursive/ narrative approaches. Ultimately Brigid is interested in leadership as a discourse, identity, and practice and in exploring how it is constructed and shaped between people, spaces, and artefacts in different organisational contexts. She has published in Organization Studies, Human Relations, AMLE, Management Learning and Leadership and has co-edited three books on Leadership. Michelle Bligh is Dean of the School of Social Science, Policy, and Evaluation and a Professor of Organizational Behavior at Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California. Her research interests focus on charismatic leadership, gender, interpersonal influence, and followership. She has been published in over two dozen academic journals, and she was recognized by The Leadership Quarterly as one of the top 50 most cited authors of the last decade. She also serves on the Editorial Review Boards of The Leadership Quarterly and Group and Organization Management and as Associate Editor of Leadership. Dr. Bligh has taught leadership and change management around the globe, including Europe, Asia, North America, and Latin America. She regularly consults with organizations in the areas of leadership development, followership, organizational culture, and change management in a variety of industries, including law enforcement, finance, healthcare, and real estate. Olga Epitropaki is Professor of Management and Deputy Executive Dean (Research) at Durham University Business School, UK. Her research interests include Implicit Leadership Theories, Leader-Member Exchanges, creative leadership, and leader identity. Her research has been published in top refereed journals, such as the Academy of Management Annals, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, Leadership Quarterly, and Journal of Organizational Behavior, among others. She is Senior Associate Editor of the Leadership Quarterly and a member of several Editorial Boards. She has an edited book 'Creative Leadership: Prospects and Contexts' (Routledge) and is Series Editor of 'Contemporary Perspectives on Relationship-based Leadership' (IAP). She is the founder and organizer of the annual Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Leadership symposium.
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Introduction - Michelle Bligh, Brigid Carroll, Olga Epitropaki, Magnus Larsson and Doris Schedlitzki Part 1: Between: Leadership as a Social, Socio-cognitive and Practical Phenomenon - Magnus Larsson Chapter 1: Pluralism in studies on plural leadership: Analysis and perspectives - Jean-Louis Denis; Nancy Cote; Elizabeth Cote-Boileau Chapter 2: Leadership and practice: Re-constructing leadership as a phenomenon - Lucia Crevani; Inti Lammi Chapter 3: Leadership in Interaction - Magnus Larsson, Frank Meier Chapter 4: The quality of relationships: An exploration of current Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) research and future possibilities - Catherine R. Holt, Allan Lee Chapter 5: Embodying Who We Are: Social Identity and Leadership - Daan van Knippenberg Chapter 6: Romance of Leadership - Birgit Schyns, Gretchen V. Lester Chapter 7: What is "Functional" About Distributed Leadership in Teams? - Joshua Pearman, Emily Gerkin, Dorothy R. Carter Chapter 8: Followship - Teresa Almeida, Nelson Campos Ramalho, Francisco Esteves Part 2: About: Exploring the Individual and Interpersonal Facets of Leadership - Michelle Bligh Chapter 9: Leadership as contextualized personality traits - Reinout de Vries, Jan Pletzer, Amanda Julian, Kimberley Breevaart Chapter 10: Implicit Leadership and Followership Theories: From the leader/follower within and between to leaders/followers in plural and in flux - Olga Epitropaki, Bryan P. Acton, Karolina W. Nieberle Chapter 11: Leadership, Emotion Regulation and Sensemaking - Ashlea Troth, Peter Jordan, Neal Ashkanasy Chapter 12: Authentic Leadership or authenticity in leadership? Finding a better home for our leadership aspirations - Marian Iszatt-White Chapter 13: Redefining Followership - Jay Conger Chapter 14: Leadership development: Past, present, and future - David Day, Darja Kragt Chapter 15: Psychoanalysis and leadership - Yiannis Gabriel Chapter 16: Leadership Beyond the Leader to Relationship Quality - H Martinez, Richard Boyatzis Chapter 17: The Myth of the Passions: Reason, Emotions, and Ethics in Leadership - Joanne Ciulla Chapter 18: Responsible Leadership: From Theory building to Impact Mobilisation - Brad Jackson; Steve Kempster; Chaturi Liyanage, Sudong Shang, Peter Sun Chapter 19: Self-Regulatory Focus and Leadership: It's All About Context - Marianna Delegach, Ronit Kark, Dina Van Dijk Part 3: Through: Leadership Seen Through Contemporary Frames - Brigid Carroll Chapter 20: Critiquing leadership and gender research through a feminist lens - Jackie Ford; Julia Morgan Chapter 21: Problematizing communication and providing inspiration: The potential of a CCO perspective for leadership studies - Viviane Sergei Chapter 22: Leadership as Aesthetic and Artful Practice: It's not always Pretty - Donna Ladkin Chapter 23: Process theory approaches to leadership - Simon Kelly Chapter 24: Technology and Leadership - Owain Smolovic-Jones, David Hollis Chapter 25: Indigenous Leadership as a Conscious Adaptive System - Chellie Spiller, Amber Nicholson Chapter 26: Leadership through history: Rethinking the present and future of leadership via a critical appreciation of its past - Suze Wilson Chapter 27: Temporal Considerations in Leadership and Followership - Kent Alipour, Susan Mohammed Chapter 28: Leadership and fiction - Martyna Sliwa Part 4: Within: Leadership as a Contextually Bound Phenomenon - Olga Epitropaki Chapter 29: How and why is context important to leadership? - Burak Oc, Joseph A. Carpini Chapter 30: Leadership within 'alternatives' - Stephen Allen, Dermot O'Reilly Chapter 31: Leadership and Culture - Vanessa Iwowo, Peter Case and Samantha Iwowo Chapter 32: From 'Leadership' to 'Leading': Power relations, polyarchy and projects - Stewart Clegg, Ace V. Simpson, Miguel Pina e Cunha and Armenio Rego Chapter 33: In Defence of Hesitant Leadership: An Ancient Chinese Perspective - Ralph Bathurst and Michelle Sitong Chen Chapter 34: Popular culture and leadership - Brigitte Biehl and Suvi Satama Chapter 35: The impact of context on healthcare leadership - Lester Levy and Kevin B. Lowe Part 5: But: A Critical Examination of Leadership - Doris Schedlitzki Chapter 36: On destructive leadership - Laura Lunsford, Art Padilla Chapter 37: Leadership and its Alternatives - Mats Alvesson, Martin Blom, Thomas Fischer Chapter 38: Paradoxes in Agentic and Communal Leadership - Jennifer L. Sparr, David Waldman, Eric Kearney Chapter 39: Leadership Dialectics - Gail Fairhurst, David Collinson Chapter 40: Care and Caring Leadership, Positive Attractions and Critical Asymmetries - Leah Tomkins Chapter 41: Politicising the Leader's Body: From Oppressive Realities to Affective Possibilities - Celina McEwen, Allison Pullen, Carl Rhodes Chapter 42: Leadership as (new) material(ities) practices: Intra-acting, diffracting and agential-cutting with Karen Barad - Nancy Harding Chapter 43: Leadership representation: A critical path to equity - Suzanne Gagnon; Wendy Cukier; Mohamed Elmi
Sometimes second editions of textbooks are merely marginal updates: additive rather than innovative. But this second edition of the SAGE Handbook of Leadership is a completely new collection of stunning chapters by eminent scholars across the globe. If there was a compulsory purchase for leadership scholars at this juncture it would be this. -- Keith Grint