Dr Tina G. Patel is a senior lecturer in Criminology at the University of Salford. Tina's research and teaching interests relate to race/racism, surveillance, crime, and discrimination in the criminal justice system. Tina specialises in undertaking qualitative research with excluded communities, who have often been presented as problematic and deviant. Tina has a number of publications in these areas, and is co-author of Race, Crime and Resistance (2011), and sole-author of Race and Society (2017), both published by Sage.
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Introduction A History of race and ethnicity Theorizing race and ethnicity Race and ethnicity in society Representations of race and ethnicity Identity and the place of race and ethnicity Intersections with other social variables Masking racism and ethnic discrimination in society Race and ethnicity in social institutions Human rights, equality, and legislation Researching race, ethnicity, and society Conclusion