Bennie Kara is a Deputy Headteacher. She is a speaker, coach and trainer on topics such as language, literature, leadership, diversity, curriculum, assessment and teaching & learning. She is a Teach First ambassador from the inaugural cohort of Teach First and a Founding Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching. She has taught English throughout her career in inner city London and South Oxfordshire. She now teaches in Derby.
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Chapter 1: The Case for Diversity in the Curriculum Chapter 2: Concepts in DEI Work in the Curriculum Chapter 3: Knowledge, curriculum and design Chapter 4: Desirable Lenses Chapter 5: Common Traps Chapter 6: Adapting the Curriculum - A School Wide Journey Chapter 7: Expanding the Boundaries Chapter 8: Parallel Stories and Paired Texts Chapter 9: Migrations - Linguistic, Cultural and Physical Chapter 10: Role Models Chapter 11: Countering Dominant Narratives Chapter 12: Case Studies Part 1 History, Science and Maths Chapter 13: Case Studies Part 2 Geography, Languages and Music Chapter 14: Frequently asked Questions Chapter 15: Conclusion and Commitment to Action