Cognitive Psychology 2/e


Revisiting the Classic Studies

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Edited by Michael W Eysenck, David Groome
Release Date:
242.00h x 170.00w

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Michael W. Eysenck is Emeritus Professor at the University of Roehampton and Emeritus Professor and Honorary Fellow at Royal Holloway University of London. He has published 62 books and approximately 170 articles and book chapters. He has written numerous textbooks on cognitive psychology and his main research area is concerned with the relationship between anxiety and cognition. David Groome was Senior Academic and Head of the Psychology Department at the University of Westminster, London. He retired in 2011, but he continues to write and he has authored or co-authored twelve psychology books. His research interests mainly involve cognition and memory, especially memory suppression and the effects of mood disorders on cognition. In 2009 he was awarded the BPS Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Psychology. His hobbies include tennis, travel, dogs, and music. In his spare time he is a keen guitarist, and is still waiting for his big break as a rock star.

Chapter 1: An Introduction To Classic Studies In Cognitive Psychology - Michael W. Eysenck and David Groome Chapter 2: Attention: Beyond Cherry's (1953) Cocktail Party Problem - Michael W. Eysenck Chapter 3: Direct Perception: Beyond Gibson's (1950) Direct Perception - Vicki Bruce and Yoav Tadmor Chapter 4: Perception: Beyond Marr's (1982) Computational Approach To Vision - George Mather Chapter 5: Perception: Beyond Goodale and Milner's (1992) Separate Visual Pathways - Glyn W. Humphreys and Edward de Haan Chapter 6: Attention: Beyond Stroop's (1935) Colour-Word Interference Phenomenon - Colin M. MacLeod Chapter 7: Amnesia: Beyond Scoville And Milner's (1957) Research On HM - Howard Eichenbaum and Neal Cohen Chapter 8: Memory: Beyond Baddeley And Hitch's (1974) Working Memory - Robert H Logie Chapter 9: Memory: Beyond Tulving's (1972) Episodic And Semantic Memory - Michael W. Eysenck and David Groome Chapter 10: Memory: Beyond Tulving And Thomson's (1973) Encoding Specificity Principle - James S. Nairne Chapter 11: Memory: Beyond Loftus And Palmer's (1974) Misinformation Effect - Coral Dando Chapter 12: Thinking And Problem Solving: Beyond Newell, Shaw, And Simon's (1958) Theory Of Human Problem Solving - Fernand Gobet and Peter Lane Chapter 13: Thinking And Decision Making: Beyond Tversky And Kahneman's (1974) Judgement Under Uncertainty - Klaus Fiedler and Momme von Sydow Chapter 14: Thinking And Decision Making: Beyond Kahneman And Tversky's (1979) Prospect Theory - Ben R. Newell Chapter 15: Language: Beyond Chomsky's (1957) Syntactic Structures - Trevor Harley and Siobhan MacAndrew Chapter 16: Cognitive Neuropsychology Of Language: Beyond Marshall And Newcombe's (1973) Patterns Of Paralexia - Max Coltheart Chapter 17: Classic Studies: General Lessons And Historical Context - Michael W. Eysenck

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