The Essentials of Special Education Law

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By David F. Bateman, Andrew M. Markelz
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Andrew M. Markelz, PhD, is an assistant professor of special education at Ball State University. As the coordinator of Ball State's Director of Special Education Licensure Program, he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in special education law, administrative and organizational theory, and family collaboration. Markelz is a member of the Council for Exceptional Children and has served on the executive board of the Teacher Education Division as the publications & communications committee chair. He was a classroom teacher of students with high incidence disabilities in Philadelphia, PA. David F. Bateman, PhD, is a professor at Shippensburg University in the department of educational leadership and special education where he teaches courses on special education law, assessment, and facilitating inclusion. He is a former due process hearing officer for Pennsylvania for over 580 hearings. He uses his knowledge of litigation relating to special education to assist school districts in providing appropriate supports for students with disabilities and to prevent and to recover from due process hearings. He has been a classroom teacher of students with learning disabilities, behavior disorders, intellectual disability, and hearing impairments. He has recently co-authored the following books: A Principal's Guide to Special Education, A Teacher's Guide to Special Education, Charting the Course: Special Education in Charter Schools, Special Education Leadership: Building Effective Programming in Schools, and Current Trends and Legal Issues in Special Education.

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