Anne Moody has been the co-director of an agency specializing in infant adoption for the past 24 years. She is the author of The Children Money CaBuy: Stories from the Frontlines of Foster Care and Adoption, published in 2018 by Rowman and Littlefield. She is also an adoptive parent and both her professional and personal background inform her work as an adoption specialist who advises clients on all aspects of the adoption experience. Anne is a contributor to Adoptive Families Magazine,'s "Portrait of an Adoption" Series,'s Adoption Summit, and
Glossary Introduction The Vagaries Of The Market Place Owen and Kira: An Adoptive Family Story Why Is Adoption So Hard? Lindy: A Birth Mother's Story Where Does All the Money Go? Yes, It's Legal Middle Men Julia: A Single Adoptive Mother's Story Birth Mothers In The Media Did Birth Mother's Change? What Will We Tell the Children? What About The Siblings? Matt and Hannah: A Foster-To-Adopt Story What About All the Kids In Foster Care? Working With The Child Welfare System Not To Scare You...But Adoption Specialists Adoption Reform Closing the Gray Market Afterword