The Origins of the Criminal Justice System

Historical Explorations by the Justice-Involved

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Edited by Omi Hodwitz, Foreword by Brian Wolf
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About the Editor Omi Hodwitz, PhD is a criminologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Culture, Society, and Justice at the University of Idaho. Her specialties include theoretical applications, research methods, and terrorism studies. Dr. Hodwitz spends most of her time in Idaho prisons, learning from her incarcerated students. Contributors Amara Bailey, Jazlin Branting, Alex Cowan, Rachel Galli, Stacey Grove, Omi Hodwitz, Pony Jackson, Willian Jansen, Steff King, Grace Meyer, Silas Parks, Josh Ritchie, Trip Finity Taylor, Carson Thiel, Madison Wolf

Foreword: A Project Crafted in an Idaho Prison by Brian Wolf Introduction: What, Where, and When by Omi Hodwitz Chapter 1: A History of Penology by Pony L. Jackson & Omi Hodwitz Chapter 2: Policing Through the Ages by Omi Hodwitz & William Jansen Chapter 3: The Development of the Court System by Silas B. Parks, Rachel Galli, & Omi Hodwitz Chapter 4: Tracing Corrections Through Time by Stace L. Grove, Grace Meyer, & Omi Hodwitz Chapter 5: Trends in Crime, Justice, and Law by Trip Finity Taylor, Amara Bailey, & Omi Hodwitz Chapter 6: Crime, Race, and Ethnicity Across the Generations by Silas B. Parks, Jazlin Branting, & Omi Hodwitz Chapter 7: The Evolving Role of Gender in the Criminal Justice System by Trip Finity Taylor, Steff King, & Omi Hodwitz Chapter 8: Class, Power, Deviance, and Justice by Josh Ritchie, Carson Thiel, & Omi Hodwitz Chapter 9: The Evolution of Juvenile Delinquency by Silas B. Parks, D. Alex Cowan, & Omi Hodwitz Chapter 10: A History of Mental Health and Crime by Trip Finity Taylor, Madison Wolf, & Omi Hodwitz Chapter 11: Tying the Past to the Present by Omi Hodwitz Index About the Contributors

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