
Extralegal Justice, Social Control, and Violence

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By Taimi Castle, Benjamin Meade
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Taimi L. Castle, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Justice Studies and Director, Mahatma Gandhi Center for Global Nonviolence at James Madison University Benjamin D. Meade, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Justice Studies at James Madison University

List of Figures Acknowledgments Chapter 1: Vigilantes! Vigilantism: American as Apple Pie Defining Vigilantism Conclusion Chapter 2: The Final Frontier: Theorizing Vigilantism, The State, and Identity Frontier Theories Vigilantes and the State Disciplinary Power Identity and Masculinity Cultural Criminology Conclusion Chapter 3: It Takes a Village: Vigilantes on Patrol Vigilance Committees in the United States Anti-Black Vigilantes Anti-Crime Patrols Anti-Migrant Vigilantes Conclusion Chapter 4: Pop Culture Vigilantes: Dirt, Death, and Darkness Every Dirty Job: Legal Vigilantism and Dirty Harry Best Served Cold: Revenge Vigilante Films and Death Wish Dexter: The Dark Defender Conclusion Chapter 5: Superhero Vigilantes: Watch Superman Fly Away Are His Methods Supernatural? The Components of Superhero Vigilantism Death's Head: The Punisher Who Watches Watchmen? Conclusion Chapter 6: Don't F**k with Digilantes Digilantism Defined Name and Shame Websleuthing Scambaiting and Hacktivism Webstings Consequences of Digilantism Conclusion Chapter 7: Viralantes HIV/AIDS Pandemic Viralantes Conspiracy Explanations and More Conclusion Chapter 8: Conclusion Bibliography Index About the Authors

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