Current Trends and Legal Issues in Special Education

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781544302003

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Edited by David Bateman, Mitchell L. Yell
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David F. Bateman, Ph.D., is a professor at Shippensburg University in the Department of Educational Leadership and Special Education where he teaches courses on special education law, assessment, and facilitating inclusion. He is a former due process hearing officer for Pennsylvania for over 580 hearings. He uses his knowledge of litigation relating to special education to assist school districts in providing appropriate supports for students with disabilities and to prevent and to recover from due process hearings. He has been a classroom teacher of students with learning disabilities, behavior disorders, intellectual disability, and hearing impairments, and a building administrator for summer programs. Dr. Bateman earned a Ph.D. in special education from the University of Kansas. He has recently co-authored the following books: A Principal's Guide to Special Education, A Teacher's Guide to Special Education, Charting the Course: Special Education in Charter Schools, and the forthcoming Special Education Leadership: Building Effective Programming in Schools. Mitchell L. Yell, Ph.D., is the Fred and Francis Lester Palmetto Chair in Teacher Education and a Professor in Special Education at the University of South Carolina. His professional interests include special education law, positive behavior support, IEP development, and parent involvement in special education. Dr. Yell has published 124 journal articles, 4 textbooks, 26 book chapters, and has conducted numerous workshops on various aspects of special education law, classroom management, and progress monitoring. His textbook, Special Education and the Law, is in its 5th edition. He also serves as a State-level due process review officer in South Carolina. Prior to working in higher education, Dr. Yell was a special education teacher in Minnesota for 16 years.

Chapter 1: Hot Topics for Litigation - David Bateman, Mitchell Yell Chapter 2: Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-tiered (Ci3T) Models of Prevention: Considerations for the Field - Kathleen Lane , Wendy Oaks, Mark Buckman, Holly Menzies Chapter 3: A Free, Appropriate Public Education - David Bateman, Mitchell Yell Chapter 4: Working with Parents - Meghan Burke , Samantha Goldman Chapter 5: Current Special Education Legal Trends for Transition-Age Youth - Angela Prince, Anthony Plotner, June Gothberg Chapter 6: Discipline and Students with Disabilities - Kelly Carrero, Kimberly Vannest, Courtney Lavadia Chapter 7: The Research-to-Practice Gap in Special Education - Bryan Cook, Cynthia Farley Chapter 8: What Educators Need to Know About Accountability - Jim Shriner, Martha Thurlow Chapter 9: Taking Aim at Current Trends in Early Childhood Special Education - Kate Ascetta Chapter 10: Current Trends in Bully Prevention: Implications for Youth with Disabilities - Chad Rose, Stephanie Hopkins, Gloria McGillen, Jessica Simpson Chapter 11: Innovation in Schools: Expanded School Mental Health - Seth Bernstein , Lauren Young, Ameet Bosmia, Samantha Hartley, Cameron Massey, Mark Weist Chapter 12: Current Trends in Preparing General Education Teachers to Work With Students With Disabilities - David Bateman and Jenifer Cline Chapter 13: The School-to-Prison Pipeline - Christine Christle, Joseph Ryan, Michelle Dunn Chapter 14: Teacher Shortages and Teacher Attrition in Special Education: Issues and Trends - Tim Landrum, Lauren Collins, Chris Sweigart Chapter 15: Preparing Future Leaders and Administrators of Special Education - Mary Lynn Boscardin

"This book provides practical, realistic and useful guidance to anyone who supports students with disabilities. It is a great resource for school and special education administrators trying to understand the latest trends in special education. It provides specific points to think about with recommended applications teachers should consider using for each of the topics discussed." -- Nichole Kristensen, M.Ed.,Statewide Special Education Instructional Coordinator, Boise State University "This book is an excellent tool for educators and administrators to understand how to support quality education on behalf of students with disabilities." -- Lisa Graham, NBCT Director of Early Childhood Education (ECE), Douglas County School District, ECE DC Opportunities Center "David Bateman and Mitchell Yell have written a practical, up-to-date book specifically addressing the needs of today's special educators. This book provides pragmatic advice and tips as well as straightforward content knowledge necessary to be an effective special education leader or teacher." -- Dr. Debi Gartland, Professor of Special Education, Townson University "At such a critical time, with pressing and complex issues facing special education administrators across the country, this book is impressive, as it tackles the multifaceted aspects of the special educator's roles and dilemmas in a practical, straightforward manner. " -- Marge Terhaar-Yonkers, Professor in the Department of Education, Meredith College "I have been a principal at the middle school level for over 15 years and I thought I had a handle on special education lingo and processes. This book shared information of which I was not aware. The practical presentation of the information makes it one that can be referenced and used by anyone who works with or has children with special needs." -- LaQuita Outlaw, Principal, Bay Shore Middle School

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