Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation 4/e

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781544317205

A Step-by-Step Guide

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By Randy L. Joyner, William A. Rouse, Allan A. Glatthorn
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228 x 152 mm
510 g

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Randy L. Joyner is an adjunct professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC. He is retired from the Department of Educational Leadership in the College of Education of East Carolina University, where he directed or served as committee member for 25 dissertations. Furthermore, he has served as a doctoral committee member at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia; and North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina. He has received several awards for his research: the Delta Pi Epsilon doctoral research award, the Omicron Tau Theta Iota Chapter Research Award, and the Delta Pi Epsilon Alpha Chapter Research Award. The results of his research have been published in numerous national and international journals. William A. Rouse Jr. is the Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Faculty Affairs in the College of Education, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC as well as an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership in the College of Education, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC. He was a public school teacher and a secondary school principal prior to joining the faculty at East Carolina University. He has worked with several school districts' administrators to refocus their efforts on effective school leadership practices that result in a dynamic teaching and learning environment. He has also worked with a school district to redesign large comprehensive high schools into smaller learning communities resulting in increased student academic performance. In 2004, he coauthored the Outstanding Paper delivered at the Delta Pi Epsilon National Research Conference; his research has been published in national refereed journals. Allan A. Glatthorn (1924-2007) was a major contributor to the third and fourth editions; his research used in the preparation of the first and second editions of Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation: A Step-by-Step Guide was the foundation for the third edition. He was the Distinguished Research Professor of Education (Emeritus) in the College of Education of East Carolina University, where he advised doctoral students, chaired dissertations, and taught courses in supervision and curriculum. He was formerly Professor of Education at the Graduate School of Education of the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to his university assignments, he was a high school teacher and principal. In his work as a professor, he chaired close to 100 dissertations. He is the author of numerous professional books, several of which have been published by Corwin.

List of Exhibits Preface About the Authors Publisher's Acknowledgments Part I: The Foundations Chapter 1. Groundwork for Theses and Dissertations Dissertation's Special Nature Securing the Needed Resources Thesis and Dissertation Key Differences Chapter 2. The Thesis or Doctoral Committee Roles and Responsibilities of the Committee The Dynamics of the Committee Preventing Problems With the Committee Dealing With Committee Problems Solving Personal Problems With the Dissertation Chapter 3. The Degree-Granting Institution's Requirements Degree Completion Time Lines Styles Specific University Guidelines or Requirements Chapter 4. The Institutional Review Board Knowledge Requirements (Training) IRB Resources Certification Time Frame Case Study I: Selecting Members of the Doctoral Committee Forming the Committee/Selecting Committee Members Points to Ponder Part II: Research Problem Development Chapter 5. The Research Problem Make a Personal Assessment of Topics Reflect and Discuss Fix on the Research Topic and Research Problem Chapter 6. The Focused Review of the Literature Reorganize Your Files Retrieve All Related Abstracts Evaluate the Results Check for Prior Dissertations Retrieve the Full Texts of the Most Useful Sources Use Primary Sources Develop an Annotated Bibliography Chapter 7. Comprehensive Critique of the Literature Maintain Good Research Practices Throughout the Search Develop a Focused Outline of the Search Establish Parameters for the Search Conduct a Comprehensive Search Critique All Sources Retrieved Chapter 8. Focused Review of Available Methodologies for Data Collection and Analyses Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives Research Types Research Methods Make Preliminary Choices Chapter 9. Selected Methodology The Research Design: Its General Nature The Research Design: Type-Specific Issues Develop Your Research Design Case Study II: Selecting/Developing a Research Topic Developing a Research Topic Points to Ponder Part III: The Prospectus Preparation Chapter 10. The Work Plan Develop a Planning Chart Make the Tentative Entries Chapter 11. The Prospectus Overview Peer Collaboration Weighing the Advantages and Disadvantages Structuring the Collaborative Formalize the Structure and Request Adviser Approval Help the Group Remain Productive Chapter 12. The Doctoral Committee and the Prospectus Developing the Prospectus and Organizing the Committee Prospectus Rationale Prospectus Development Committee Selection Committee Dynamics Developing the Proposal: Writing Chapter 1 Developing the Proposal: Writing Chapter 2 Developing the Proposal: Writing Chapter 3 Developing the Proposal: The References Developing the Proposal: The Appendices Chapter 13. The Prospectus Defense Coordinate Committee Schedules: Date and Time Prepare for the Proposal Defense Present the Proposal Defense Facilities Deal With Other Defense Issues Committee Requirements Postproposal Steps Case Study III: Developing the Research Proposal The Research Proposal Points to Ponder Part IV: The Dissertation Chapter 14. The Communication Process and the Writing of the Dissertation Communicate Periodically With the Chair Ensure Access to the Research Site Avoid Premature Data Collection Develop a Detailed Planning Calendar Change the Schedule as Needed Prevent Problems With the Intervention Use Computers Mindfully Ensure a High Rate of Return on Surveys Maintain Careful and Duplicate Records Chapter 15. Academic Style Recommended Style Guide The Writing Process The Academic Style Writing Software Chapter 16. The Dissertation Organization How Are Dissertations Organized? What Principles Govern the Organization of Individual Chapters? How Can the Organization Be Made Clear to the Reader? How Is the Dissertation Finally Packaged? Chapter 17. The Introduction Introduction to the Chapter The Background of the Study The Problem Statement The Professional Significance of the Study Overview of Methodology Limitations and Delimitations Definition of Terms Chapter 18. Review of the Literature Comprehensive Critique of the Literature Reread All Sources Develop the Final Outline Levels of Headings Write the Introductory Paragraph First Section of the Review The Remaining Sections, Including a Summary Chapter 19. Methodology Prepare to Write Use an Objective Writing Style Determine the Chapter Content Outline the Chapter and Use Headings Appropriately Describe the Study's Context Identify the Subjects or Participants Identify the Data Collection Instruments Explain the Research Design Procedures Explain the Data Analysis/Analyses Procedure(s) Write a Summary Chapter 20. Data Analysis/Analyses Prepare to Present the Results Decide on the Contents and Format of the Chapter Determine the Organization of the Chapter Develop the Tables and Figures Write the Introductory Paragraph Write the First Section Write the Remaining Sections, Using Appropriate Headings Revise the Chapter and Submit for Review Chapter 21. The Results Discussion Review the Results Reported Develop an Outline of the Final Chapter Write the Introductory Paragraph Restate the Problem and Review the Methodology Summarize the Results Discuss the Meaning of the Study Case Study IV: Writing the Dissertation The Dissertation Points to Ponder Part V: The Dissertation Defense Chapter 22. Defense Committee Meeting Planning Secure Needed Resources Edit the Dissertation Check on Content and Order Write the Abstract Write the Title and Approval Pages Write the Acknowledgments Page Write the Table of Contents and Lists of Tables and Figures Include the Chapters Finalize the References Finalize Any Appendices Submit the Dissertation Holding the Defense After Your Presentation After the Defense Institutional Review Board Completion Requirements Chapter 23. The Degree-Granting Institution's Graduation Requirements Handbooks: A Source of Information Graduation Requirements Chapter 24. The Publication of the Dissertation Add to the Research Knowledge Base Present a Scholarly Paper Publish a Journal Article Develop a Plan to Publish a Book Case Study V: Defending the Dissertation The Dissertation Defense Hearing Points to Ponder Part VI: Technology Chapter 25. Technology and the Dissertation University Research Librarians Software Software Capabilities Creating Charts Creating Figures and Tables Collecting and Analyzing Data Numbering Pages Editing the Style Editing the Content Telecommunicating Software Compatibility Formatting Packaging the Final Dissertation References Index

Dr. Joyner and Dr. Rouse have again put together an in-depth, comprehensive, and practical guide that is a valuable resource for graduate students. In addition to the excellent information provided in earlier editions, this edition also includes important information related to current and emerging trends in technology and valuable case studies focusing on the most common problems encountered in writing at the master's and doctoral levels. If you are embarking on a thesis or dissertation, use this most valuable of resources to avoid the pitfalls inherent in the process. -- James R. Machell, Dean Writing the Winning Dissertation is an essential guidebook for students writing a master's thesis or doctoral dissertation. I used the first edition to write an award-winning dissertation and now use the updated edition with the doctoral students I advise. Each chapter of this cogent and comprehensive book addresses crucial elements that lead to success. I highly recommend it to both students and advisors. -- Susan Colby, Director of Faculty Professional Development, Appalachian State University; Boone, NC In this book, Joyner, Rouse, and Glatthorn thoroughly introduce and explore writing a thesis or a dissertation - walking the reader through every path and pitfall imaginable. It is a must-read for anyone starting one of these writing processes and a good read for the faculty working with them. -- Sara Olin Zimmerman, Curriculum Specialist Program Director, Reich College of Education; Boone, NC

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