Equity Partnerships

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781544324159

A Culturally Proficient Guide to Family, School, and Community Engagement

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By Angela R. Clark-Louque, Randall B. Lindsey, Reyes L. Quezada, Cynthia L. Jew
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Dr. Angela Clark-Louque is Professor and Department Chair of Educational Leadership and Technology at California State University, San Bernardino. She has served in several educational capacities during her career. This year, she was chosen as the Outstanding Faculty in Research and Scholarly Activities and in 2015 she was the Outstanding Faculty in Teaching At the university level, she has served as an associate dean of academic affairs, director of graduate studies, department chair of doctoral studies, director of educational administration, and director of teacher education. At the community college level, she served as a counselor and mathematics faculty, and at the K-12 level, she served as an administrator and mathematics/social science teacher. Dr. Clark-Louque continues to teach advanced human resources, qualitative research methods, and leadership courses to aspiring and practicing school leaders. Her research activities include peer-reviewed publications, grants, and reports. She has co-authored a book entitled, "Exposing the 'Culture of Arrogance' in the Academy: A Blueprint for Increasing Black Faculty Satisfaction in Higher Education" (2005), and served as the co-editor and editor of the Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research (2007-2010) through the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Her qualitative and quantitative research has focused on culturally proficient leadership, African Americans in educational leadership, developing and mentoring culturally proficient school leaders, and parental engagement. In 2010, she graduated from the Thomas Lakin Institute for Mentored Leadership, a national network of African American Community College CEOs. She was appointed the Committee Chair of Political Activism for the NAACP - Southwest Riverside Region and was asked to serve on the Los Angeles Committee of Honor for the Freedom's Sisters exhibit and tour, which pays homage to a group of extraordinary African-American women who have shaped the spirit and substance of civil rights in America. Dr. Louque is a native of Memphis, Tenn. and is a graduate of George Washington Carver High School, the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and Loyola Marymount University (LMU). She earned her doctorate in Educational Leadership: Institutional Management from Pepperdine University and has credentials and certifications in teaching: mathematics and social science; and administration: preliminary and professional (Tier I and Tier II). Randall B. Lindsey is Emeritus Professor at California State University, Los Angeles. He has served as a teacher, an administrator, executive director of a non-profit corporation, as Interim Dean at California Lutheran University, as Distinguished Educator in Residence at Pepperdine University, and as Chair of the Education Department at the University of Redlands. All of Randy's experiences have been in working with diverse populations and his area of study is the behavior of white people in multicultural settings. His Ph.D. is in Educational Leadership from Georgia State University, his Master of Arts in Teaching is in History Education from the University of Illinois, and his B.S. in Social Science Education is from Western Illinois University. He has served as a junior high school and high school teacher and as an administrator in charge of school desegregation efforts. At Cal State, L.A. he served as Chair of the Division of Administration and Counseling and as Director of the Regional Assistance Centers for Educational Equity, a regional race desegregation assistance center. With co-authors he has written several books and articles on applying the Cultural Proficiency Framework in various contexts. Email - randallblindsey@gmail.com Website - CCPEP.org Twitter - @RBLindsey41 Dr. Reyes L. Quezada was born in San Juan De Los Lagos, Jalisco, Mexico. His family of 8 immigrated to the United States and settled in Southern California in a farm near the Mexican border by Brawley. He was seven years old. His father was a farmworker and participated in the Bracero Program (Guest worker) in the early 1960's, his mother was a stay home mom who provided a caring and loving environment for his brothers and sisters. He has been a teacher, community college counselor and teacher educator for the past thirty-eight years, twenty of those years as a professor. He joined the University of San Diego, San Diego California in 1999. He has been a professor at the University of Redlands, and California State University Stanislaus. He holds Community College credentials in Counselor Education, Supervision, Psychology, and a California Multiple-Subjects Bilingual Emphasis Teaching credential-Spanish. His degrees include a Bachelor of Arts from San Jose State University and a Minor in Mexican American Studies, and holds four Advanced Degrees-a Masters degree in Education from the University of San Diego, and a Masters degree from San Diego State University, a post Masters degree-Educational Specialist degree from Point Loma Nazarene College and a doctorate from Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona. Dr. Quezada has presented at international, national, and state conferences (France, Spain, South Africa, Mexico, Costa Rica, Middle East, Italy, England, Colombia, Canada, Hong Kong, Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, Czech Republic, Greece, Ghana, and in Israel). His teaching, research and publications are on issues of cultural proficiency, equity, international education, diversity, family school and community engagement, bilingual education and migrant education. His publications include four books, twenty journal articles and eleven book chapters. He has edited five themed journals on internationalizing colleges and schools of education for the Catholic Education Journal, Teacher Education Quarterly, and in Teaching Education, as well as on Family, School and Community Engagement and Partnerships in the journals Teaching Education and Multicultural Education. He is on the board of directors for state, national and international organizations including the national Council of Educator Preparation Programs (CAEP), the American Association for Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), and the current Chair of the International Council for the Education of Teachers (ICET). He was the Co-chair of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing-Committee on Accreditation (COA), and was Associate Editor for Teacher Education Quarterly, and sits on many editorial and review boards including the Annual Editions of Multicultural Education, Teacher Education Quarterly, Issues in Teacher Education, the School Community Journal, the Journal of Hispanics in Higher Education, Educational Research Journal, Teacher Education Quarterly, Horizon, the Journal of International Studies, and Issues in Teacher Education. He was on the San Bernardino County-Third District Supervisor Representative to the Equal Opportunity Commission, and former School Board President and current member for Real Journey Academies Charter School in San Bernardino, California. Cynthia L. Jew, Ph.D. is a professor at California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, CA. Dr. Jew teaches in the Counselor Education program focusing on Field Experiences and School Systems as she prepares School Counselors. She is co-author of Culturally Proficient Inquiry: A Lens for Identifying and Examining Education Gaps (Corwin, 2008) and Culturally Proficient schools: All means All. (Corwin 2017) She also serves as a consultant to the Santa Clarita Valley International Charter schools focusing on the areas of Student Support and Inclusiveness. She is a Licensed Psychologist and Certified School Psychologist. She has two daughters, Kiera and Jordyn, who is Deaf and wears Cochlear Implants.

FOREWORD BY TRUDY T. ARRIAGA ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ABOUT THE AUTHORS Introduction PART I. THE BASICS OF CULTURAL PROFICIENCY AND ENGAGEMENT CHAPTER 1. The Cultural Proficiency Framework: Tools for Family, School, and Community Engagement Overcoming the Barriers to Cultural Proficiency The Guiding Principles of Cultural Proficiency The Cultural Proficiency Continuum The Essential Elements of Cultural Proficiency The Family, School, and Community Engagement Rubric Going Deeper Reflection Going Deeper Dialogic Questions Summary Looking Ahead: Chapter 2 CHAPTER 2. The Why of Engagement Changing Times and Terminology Informed by Related Studies: From Strain to Inclusion What Parents Want to Know and What Parents Want Educators to Know Benefits of Partnering for All Family and Community Engagement and Link to Student Achievement Culturally Proficient Leadership and Engagement A Moral Imperative and Shared Responsibility for Creating Culturally Proficient Engagement Our Why Going Deeper Reflection Going Deeper Dialogic Questions Summary Looking Ahead: Chapter 3 CHAPTER 3. The Moral Imperative for Partnerships: Historical, Legal, and Educational Policy Contexts Family, School, and Community Engagement Has Evolved Over Time Twentieth Century and Beyond Federal and State Court Decisions and Legislative Actions That Foster Family, School, and Community Partnerships Educational Rationale for Family, School, and Community Engagement Importance of Educational Research in Building Family, School, and Community Engagement in Diverse Communities Going Deeper Reflection Going Deeper Dialogic Questions Summary Looking Ahead: Chapter 4 PART II. EMBRACING TO ENGAGE CHAPTER 4. How Cultural Proficiency Intersects With Family Engagement Alignments Cultural Proficiency's Guiding Principles Provide a Moral Base for Essential Elements Using Our Assets of Moral Authority, Reflection, and Dialogue Guiding Principles of Cultural Proficiency: Surfacing Our Assumptions, Beliefs, and Values Being Intentional in Valuing Students' Cultures as Assets Valuing Leads to Doing Constantino's Five Simple Principles Dual Capacity-Building Framework Dialogic Questions Summary Looking Ahead: Chapter 5 CHAPTER 5. The 7 Cs of Engagement Collaboration Communication Caring Culture Community Connectedness Collective Responsibility Going Deeper Reflection Going Deeper Dialogic Questions Courageous Engagement Summary Looking Ahead: Chapter 6 PART III. FROM MARGINALIZATION TO INCLUSION CHAPTER 6. Barriers to Family, School, and Community Engagement Barriers to Cultural Proficiency Barriers to Family, School, and Community Engagement Author's Analysis Using the Family, School, and Community Engagement Rubric Author's Analysis Using the Family, School, and Community Engagement Rubric Author's Analysis Using the Family, School, and Community Engagement Rubric Author's Analysis Using the Family, School, and Community Engagement Rubric Going Deeper Reflection Going Deeper Dialogic Questions Summary Looking Ahead: Chapter 7 CHAPTER 7. The Guiding Principles Foster Essential Elements as Educator and School Action From Barriers to Constructive Action Essential Elements Essential Elements Essential Elements Essential Elements Going Deeper Reflection Going Deeper Dialogic Questions Summary Looking Ahead: Chapter 8 PART IV. COMMIT TO ACTION CHAPTER 8. The 8th C-Commit to Action Building Family and Community Capacity Using Pre-assessments to Get Started Planning to Plan From Negative to Constructive Your Cultural Proficiency Family, School, and Community Engagement Action Plan Components of a Culturally Proficient Family, School, and Community Engagement Plan Summary Looking Ahead: Chapter 9 CHAPTER 9. Resources: Culturally Proficient Planning for Inclusive Partnering and Capacity Building Resources: Inclusive Partnering and Capacity Building Learning Strategies Academic Parent-Teacher Teams (APTT) Parent/Family Universities Community-Based Organizing Efforts Resources: Technology Supported Strategies Resources: Practical Learning Strategies Summary Be Intentional About It RESOURCE A: BOOK STUDY GUIDE RESOURCE B: CULTURAL PROFICIENCY BOOKS' ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS RESOURCE C: AUTHORS, ORGANIZATIONS, AND WEBSITES REFERENCES INDEX

"Raising the next generation is a shared responsibility and privilege. These authors have been first responders for decades by pro-moting Cultural Proficiency as a means to ensure equity and access for all. In Equity Partnerships, they identify the powerful and critical link of family, school, and community engage-ment to strengthen families, build community support, and increase student success." -- Trudy Arriaga, Associate Dean for Equity and Outreach

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