Preface: The Depth of Humanity Part I. Capable Systems of Change 1. FROM SURFACE TO DEEP Deeper Learning in a Changing World A Comprehensive Measurement Framework The State of the System Assumption-Shatterers 2. SYSTEM CAPABILITIES Shifting Priorities System Capability 1: Understanding Your System System Capability 2: Engaging Learners, Parents, and Communities as Real Partners System Capability 3: Identifying and Measuring What's Important System Capability 4: Leading for Deep and Sustainable Change System Capability 5: Creating a Culture of Learning, Belonging, and High Expectations for All 3. THE CHANGE TEAM PROCESS Collective Cognition for Collaborative Change An Inquiry Approach Final Reflections on Part I Part II. Five Frames of Measurement 4. ENGAGING PARTNERS AROUND WHAT MATTERS Engage, Empower, and Transform Composing an Evaluative Snapshot Identifying and Describing What Matters Breaking Down Deeper Learning 5. DEVELOPING MEASURES OF DEEPER LEARNING Authentic Measures and a System of Tools Measuring Self-Understanding, Connection, and Competency Capability and Practice Tools Developing Measures in Individual Contexts 6. FINDING CLARITY IN DEPTH Riding the Wave Language Development Establishing System Alignment Final Reflections on Part II Part III. Authentic Inquiry Practice 7. PROFESSIONAL LEARNING AND INQUIRY Drilling Down Into Inquiry Making Sense of Assessment Evidence Engaging in Professional Inquiry 8. INQUIRING INTO OUTCOMES Assessing and Measuring Student Outcomes Designing Authentic Assessments 9. DEEPER LEARNING EXPERIENCES Practice Applies A Celebration of Learning and Practice No Interrupting the Flow 10. COLLABORATIVE MODERATION Measuring and Sharing Learning and Practice Exemplars, Evidence, and Inter-Rater Reliability Final Reflections on Part III Conclusion: How Deep Are You? Glossary References Index Acknowledgments About the Authors
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The book really hits the mark. The best thing about it is the in-depth discussion of systems. It is with great pleasure that I read and re-read this book. It delivers a good combination of big vision with specific strategies and techniques. -- Jeff Beaudry, Professor, Educational Leadership; University of Southern Maine; Portland, ME This is just what we need in our district. This engaging book will help change teams support their system to learn how to effectively measure deeper learning. Readers will be drawn in by great examples from around the globe of educators putting students first. It is an energizing read. This book calls us to take action for all of our students today and for our future. -- Charisse Berner, Director of Teaching and Learning, Curriculum; Bellingham Public Schools; Bellingham, WA The vast experience and knowledge of the authors in major international educational reform efforts is a major strength of this book. As is the focus on Deep Learning as both a framework for organizational change and for the education of humanity. One of the unique themes this book offers is its emphasis on making education "human" and focusing on "return" in order to improve society. -- Karen L. Tichy, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership; Saint Louis University; St. Louis, MO Self-understanding and self-regulation are foundational skills to support autonomous learners and are fundamental for working in socially embedded environments in the real world or online. This comprehensive book provides insights, tools, and strategies for deeper, healthier, learning systems. -- Mark Sparvell, Senior Manager; Microsoft This book is a guide for all teachers, principals, and stakeholders in education who are aware that learning should be deep and contribute to humanity. It nails down what learning should be about with structured examples, exercises, and tools that, when applied, will lead to deeper learning for everyone. -- Baukje Bemener, Research Consultant, NPDL New Measures Leader; Measuring Human Return is a great summary of the work that is being done in our region with schools that have embraced Deeper Learning. When school systems have the support to embrace systemic change and teachers have the support to design deeper learning experiences for their students, everyone succeeds. Our classrooms need this support so that our students gain the necessary global competencies that will prepare them for the world today and tomorrow. This is the work we all need to embrace in our schools. -- Pam Estvold, Assistant Superintendent, Teaching and Learning;