List of Videos Acknowledgments About the Authors Introduction What Works Best What Works Best When The Path to Assessment-Capable Visible Learners in Mathematics How This Book Works Chapter 1. Teaching With Clarity in Mathematics Components of Effective Mathematics Learning Surface, Deep, and Transfer Learning Moving Learners Through the Phases of Learning Differentiating Tasks for Complexity and Difficulty Approaches to Mathematics Instruction Checks for Understanding Profiles of Three Teachers Reflection Chapter 2. Teaching for the Application of Concepts and Thinking Skills Ms. Buchholz and the Relationship Between Multiplication and Division Ms. Mills and Equivalent Fractions and Decimals Ms. Campbell and the Packing Problem Reflection Chapter 3. Teaching for Conceptual Understanding Ms. Buchholz and the Meaning of Multiplication Ms. Mills and Representing Division as Fractions Ms. Campbell and the Volume of a Rectangular Prism Reflection Chapter 4. Teaching for Procedural Knowledge and Fluency Ms. Buchholz and Fluent Division Strategies Ms. Mills and Comparing Fractions Ms. Campbell and Computing Volume Reflection Chapter 5. Knowing Your Impact: Evaluating for Mastery What Is Mastery Learning? Ensuring Tasks Evaluate Mastery Ensuring Tests Evaluate Mastery Feedback for Mastery Conclusion Final Reflection Appendices A. Effect Sizes B. Planning for Clarity Guide C. Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Template D. A Selection of International Mathematical Practice or Process Standards References Index