1. Introduction: The Basics of Research Design Ways of Knowing Research Stages Variables Operational Definitions Levels of Measurement and Units of Analysis The Relationship of Projects, Method, and Theory Making Mistakes Finding a Topic Pairing the Textbook and Workbook Case Study Study Guide For Further Study 2. The Ethics of Working with Human Participants Ethics in Conducting Research with Human Subjects The Researcher's Responsibilities to the People We Study The Researcher's Responsibilities to Scholarship and the Public Ethical Dilemmas Vulnerable Populations Positionality and Privilege The Institutional Review Board Process Pairing the Textbook and Workbook Case Study Study Guide For Further Study 3. Sampling What is a sample? NonProbability Samples Types of NonProbability Samples Choosing Key Informants Probability Samples Types of Probability Samples Sampling in the Hypothetico-Deductive Method Pairing the Textbook and Workbook Case Study Study Guide For Further Study 4. Participant Observation The Advantages of Participant Observation Fieldwork Roles Skills for Participant Observation Getting Started What to Expect When You're Doing Fieldwork Jottings Pairing the Textbook and Workbook Case Study Study Guide For Further Study 5. Writing Field Notes The Truth as Subjective The Process of Writing Strategies for Field Notes Writing Choices Analytical Writing within Field Notes Common Problems with Field Notes Autoethnography Pairing the Textbook and Workbook Case Study Study Guide For Further Study 6. Interviewing Types of Interviewing The Semi-Structured Interview Interactions During the Interview Interviewing and "The Truth" Pairing the Textbook and Workbook Case Study Study Guide For Further Study 7. Introduction to Coding and Analysis What is Coding? Inductive versus Deductive Coding Analytical Method 1: Deductive Latent Content Analysis Analytical Method 2: Grounded Theory (Inductive Coding) Analysis: Identifying Themes in Your Codes Crafting an Ethnographic Story: The Recipe Box Method Pairing the Textbook and Workbook Case Study Study Guide For Further Study 8. Surveys and Mixed Methods Design Mixed Methods Design Survey Question Format Rules for Wording Survey Questions Survey Distribution Survey Analysis and Writing Pairing the Textbook and Workbook Case Study Study Guide For Further Study 9. Cultural Domains: Modeling Cognition and Knowledge Cognitive Anthropology and Models Folk Taxonomies: Data Collection Folk Taxonomies: Analysis Cultural Models: Data Collection Cultural Models: Analysis Decision-Tree Models: Data Collection Decision-Tree Models: Analysis Pairing the Textbook and Workbook Case Study Study Guide For Further Study 10. Indirect Observation Visual and Material Culture Interpreting Material Culture Diary Studies Archival Studies and Digital Ethnography Remembering the Original Context Pairing the Textbook and Workbook Case Study Study Guide For Further Study 11. Behavior and Context Mapping Human Behavior Passive Direct Observation Continuous Monitoring Spot Sampling Describing Behavior and Context in Ethnographic Narratives Pairing the Textbook and Workbook Case Study Study Guide For Further Study 12. Conclusion: Putting It All Together Self-Assessment and Refinement Collegial Relationships and Peer Review Culminating Experiences Pairing the Textbook and Workbook Study Guide