List of Tables List of Templates Preface Acknowledgments Glossary of Terms About the Author Chapter 1: The Qualitative Data Collection Cycle What is Qualitative Research? The Sources of Qualitative Data Qualitative Data Collection Tools Chapter 2: Using the Research Question to Guide Qualitative Data Collection Tool Design The Role of the Research Question in the Design of Qualitative Tools Connecting Qualitative Designs with Guiding Questions, the Research Purpose, and the Research Questions Connecting Qualitative Designs with Data Collection Strategies and Tools Piloting Qualitative Tools Chapter 3: Conducting the Qualitative Study: Researcher Role, Access, Trustworthiness, and Ethical Concerns The Researcher's Role in Qualitative Research Researcher Bias and the Practice of Bracketing The Researcher's Access to Data Trustworthiness in the Qualitative Study Ethics in Qualitative Research Chapter 4: Interview Protocols Interviewing Defined Interview Applications Requisite Skills and Characteristics of the Interviewer Interview Formats and Types Getting Started With a Basic Template Template Variations: Interview Protocols for Specific Qualitative Designs Piloting the Interview Protocol Transforming Interview Data for Analysis Chapter 5: Conversational and Discourse Analysis Tools Conversational and Discourse Analysis Defined Conversational and Discourse Analysis Applications Requisite Skills and Characteristics of the Conversational and Discourse Analysis Researcher Conversational and Discourse Analysis Formats Getting Started with a Basic Template Template Variations and Challenges Piloting Conversational and Discourse Analysis Tools Transforming Conversational and Discourse Data for Analysis Chapter 6: Focus Group Moderator Guides Focus Groups Defined Focus Group Applications Requisite Skills and Characteristics of the Focus Group Moderator Focus Group Types and Variations Getting Started with a Basic Template Template Variations: Focus Group Moderator Guides by Focus Group Type Piloting Focus Group Moderator Guides Transforming Focus Group Data for Analysis Chapter 7: Observation Tools Observation Defined Observation Applications Requisite Skills and Characteristics of the Observer Observation Formats Getting Started with the Basic Template Basic Observation Templates Piloting Observation Rubrics Transforming Observation Data for Analysis Chapter 8: Document and Artifact Analysis Tools Documents and Artifacts Defined Document and Artifact Applications Requisite Skills of Document and Artifact Recorders Document and Artifact Types Getting Started with a Basic Template Template Variations and Challenges Piloting Document and Artifact Rubrics Transforming Document and Artifact Data for Analysis Chapter 9: Reflective Practice Tools Reflective Practices Defined Reflective Practice Applications Requisite Skills of the Reflective Researcher and Participant Reflections Reflective Format Types Getting Started With the Basic Templates Template Variations for Reflective Tools Piloting Reflective Tools Transforming Reflective Data for Analysis Chapter 10: Synthesis: The Qualitative Story A Multifaceted Enterprise The Practitioner's Perspective The Qualitative Design Process A Plan for Action Recommendations Conclusion Appendices: A Case Study of Department X Appendix A Exemplar: Unstructured Interview Protocol Appendix B Exemplar: Semistructured Interview Protocol Appendix C Exemplar: Focus Group Moderator's Guide: Single Purpose Appendix D Exemplar: Observation Rubric for Formal or Informal Settings Appendix E Exemplar: Combined Document/Artifact Rubric Appendix F Exemplar: Single Question Reflective Questionnaire Appendix G Exemplar: Data Collection Plan Recommended Qualitative Research Websites References Index
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I think that the more exposure that students have to instrumentation the more informed that can be when they build their own research studies. -- Tricia J. Stewart [This text] offers a rich and much-needed perspective in the field of qualitative research. -- Robert T. Palmer A comprehensive guide for the novice and even intermediate qualitative researcher. I highly recommend this easy-to-follow textbook for anyone considering a qualitative study. -- P. Bruce Uhrmacher This new book fills a dire need in qualitative research--effectively and rigorously designing qualitative interview instruments and observation and artifact rubrics. (The author) has skillfully woven together necessary elements of qualitative design, research strategies, and research question development in order for researchers to operationalize their curiosities into successful, effective, and ethical research studies. I am particularly taken by the tone of the book. (The author) has written a book that challenges yet scaffolds readers to produce qualitative research studies with integrity and rigor. -- Karin Lindstrom Bremer This is a very practical text for doctoral students learning research, in particular for those doctoral students in professional non-traditional doctoral degree programs who have never been exposed to the process of conducting qualitative research. The text brings students through the journey of qualitative data collection and provides a how-to approach to qualitative methodology. -- Emily Martinez Vogt