Preface About the Editors About the Contributors UDL: An Introduction From Pizza Parlor to the World - Katie Novak SECTION I. WHAT REALLY WORKS WITH CONTENT AREAS Chapter 1: UDL and Literacy: Providing Options for Language Success - Ruby L. Owiny, Anne Brawand, Janet Josephson Chapter 2: UDL and Mathematics: Making Algebra Accessible - Sarah A. Nagro, Jaime True Daley, Cathy R. Gaspard Chapter 3: UDL and Social Studies: Applying Project-Based Learning - Philip E. Bernhardt Chapter 4: UDL and Science: Integrating STEM - Barbara Serianni, Carolyn Rethwisch Chapter 5: UDL and the Performing Arts: Inspiring Creativity - Rebecca M. Ashton, Tamarah M. Ashton SECTION II. WHAT REALLY WORKS WITH BEHAVIOR Chapter 6: UDL and Executive Functioning: Unlocking the Capacity for Learning - Jennifer D. Walker, Victoria Russell Chapter 7: UDL and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: Making Classroom Management Positive - Brittany L. Hott, Kathleen M. Randolph, Amelia Martin Chapter 8: UDL and Adaptive Behavior: Addressing Conceptual, Social, and Practical Skills - Caitlyn A. Bukaty, Lauren A. Delisio SECTION III. WHAT REALLY WORKS WITH INSTRUCTION Chapter 9: UDL and Co-Teaching: Establishing the Perfect Union - Wendy W. Murawski, Leila Ansari Ricci Chapter 10: UDL and Assistive Technology: Utilizing Technology Beyond Mere Accessibility - Lauren A. Delisio, Caitlyn A. Bukaty Chapter 11: UDL and Implementation Fidelity: Providing Consistency Within Flexibility - Kimberly M. Johnson, Kyena E. Cornelius SECTION IV. WHAT REALLY WORKS WITH SPECIAL POPULATIONS Chapter 12: UDL for Advancement: Unblocking the Traffic Jam - Claire E. Hughes Chapter 13: UDL and Early Childhood: Giving Young Children Choices Too - Zhen Chai, Ching-I Chen Chapter 14: UDL and Students With Emotional/Behavioral Disorders: Promoting Self-Managers - Kimberly M. Johnson, Kyena E. Cornelius SECTION V. WHAT REALLY WORKS BEYOND THE CLASSROOM Chapter 15: UDL and Administrators: Leading the Charge - Amy Kramer Chapter 16. UDL and Home School Collaboration: Partnering for Empowerment - Tesha Fritzgerald Chapter 17: UDL and Policy: Considering Legal Implications - Jacqueline Rodriguez Chapter 18: UDL and Change: Taking Baby Steps to Success - Wendy W. Murawski, Katie Novak Index
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"This book is beautifully designed and organized. Educators will want to have it next to them as they plan their UDL-influenced lessons and environments. It is full of innovative, realistic, and reliable ideas for any educator, and it exemplifies that UDL is a framework that benefits all content areas, all contexts, and all educators." -- Loui Lord Nelson, Ph.D., President and Lead Educational Consultant, RAISE, Inc. "Universal Design for Learning is a framework that can be overwhelming to even the most seasoned educators. The actionable practices and ready-to-implement strategies described in this work are just what educators need-and are asking for- to help them amplify their application of it. By highlighting what works in a variety of contexts, the authors and their collaborators have ensured that there are entry points for anyone interested in learning more about UDL implementation." -- Dr. Elizabeth Berquist, Coordinator of Professional Learning, Baltimore County Public Schools, CAST Professional Learning Cadre "What Really Works With Universal Design for Learning deserves a place on every educator's desk. This is your UDL multi-vitamin-insightfully addressing the big questions around content, behavior, and instruction. Whether you're beginning your UDL journey or refining your UDL practices, the usable knowledge and practical strategies will give your implementation instant traction and sustained inspiration." -- Joni Degner, UDL Consultant and Professional Learning Designer, CAST and BCSC (Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation)