Psychology and Law 2/e


Research and Practice

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By Curtis R. Bartol, Anne M. Bartol
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Curt R. Bartol was a college professor for more than 30 years, teaching a wide variety of both undergraduate and graduate courses, including Biopsychology, Criminal Behavior, Juvenile Delinquency, Introduction to Forensic Psychology, Social Psychology, Profiling, and Psychology and Law. He earned his PhD in personality/social psychology from Northern Illinois University in 1972. He studied political science and law at the University of Wisconsin-Madison under a fellowship from the National Institute for the Humanities (NIH). He was instrumental in creating and launching Castleton State College's graduate program in forensic psychology and served as its director for 6 years. As a licensed clinical psychologist, he has been a consulting police psychologist to local, municipal, state, and federal law enforcement agencies for over 30 years. In addition to Introduction to Forensic Psychology, he has coauthored Criminal Behavior: A Psychosocial Approach (now in its 11th ed.), Juvenile Delinquency and Antisocial Behavior: A Developmental Perspective (3rd ed.), Criminal and Behavioral Profiling, and Psychology and Law: Theory, Research, and Application (3rd ed.). He served as editor of SAGE's Criminal Justice and Behavior: An International Journal, for 17 years. He also co-edited Current Perspectives in Forensic Psychology and Criminal Behavior (3rd ed.). Anne M. Bartol earned an MA and a PhD in criminal justice from State University of New York at Albany. She also holds an MA in journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She taught criminal justice, sociology, and journalism courses over a 20-year college teaching career and has worked as a journalist and a social worker in child and adolescent protective services. In addition to Introduction to Forensic Psychology, she has coauthored Juvenile Delinquency: A Systems Approach; Delinquency and Justice: A Psychosocial Approach; Psychology and Law: Theory, Research, and Application; Criminal Behavior; and Criminal and Behavioral Profiling. She co-edited Current Perspectives, has served as book review editor and managing editor of Criminal Justice and Behavior and has published articles on women and criminal justice, rural courts, and the history of forensic psychology.

Preface About the Authors CHAPTER 1. Introduction Goals and Definitions Psychology and Law: Three Approaches Ways of Knowing and the Methods of Science Ethical Guidelines Psychology and Law: A Challenging Alliance Defining and Classifying Law Psychology and Law: Some Differences Summary and Conclusions Key Concepts CHAPTER 2. Psychology and the Courts: An Overview Organization of the Courts Specialized Courts: Drug and Mental Health Courts The Judicial Process The Psychologist as an Expert Witness Summary and Conclusions Key Concepts CHAPTER 3. The Criminal Investigative Process Overview of Profiling Paths to Admission of Evidence Investigative Interviewing and Interrogation Detection of Deception The Interrogation Process The Psychology of False Confessions Summary and Conclusions Key Concepts CHAPTER 4. Eyewitness Evidence A Brief Word on Research Methodology Human Perception and Memory Estimator and System Variables Eyewitness Estimator Variables Eyewitness System Variables Preserving the Integrity of the System Pretrial Identification Methods Summary and Conclusions Key Concepts CHAPTER 5. The Trial Jury Overview of the Trial Jury Jury Research Jury Selection Jury Size and Decision Rule Jury Nullification Summary and Conclusions Key Concepts CHAPTER 6. Jury and Judicial Decision Making The Jury Decision-Making Process Influences on Jury Decision Making Deciding on Death Sentence: A Special Issue Damage Awards in Civil Cases: Another Special Issue Judicial Decision Making Summary and Conclusions Key Concepts CHAPTER 7. Competencies and Criminal Responsibility Competency to Stand Trial (CST) Competency Assessment Instruments Competency Restoration Insanity Clinical Assessment of Criminal Responsibility Special Conditions and Unique Defenses Summary and Conclusions Key Concepts CHAPTER 8. Children, Adolescents, and the Criminal Law Brief History and Overview of the Juvenile Court Adolescent Development as It Pertains to the Law Adolescent Competence and Culpability Juvenile Competency Juvenile Interrogation and False Confessions Plea Bargaining Children as Witnesses Summary and Conclusions Key Concepts CHAPTER 9. Psychology and Family Law The Modern Family Court Changes in Family Court in Recent Years Divorce and Child Custody The Psychological Effects of Divorce and Custodial Arrangements The Roles of Mental Health Professionals in Child Custody Cases Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Contemporary Special Issues in Custody Decision Making Summary and Conclusions Key Concepts CHAPTER 10. Involuntary Civil Commitment A Brief History Modern Commitment Statutes Civil Commitment Proceedings Duty to Warn or Protect Research on Dangerousness Involuntary Outpatient Commitment Voluntary Commitments Informed Consent and the Right to Refuse Treatment Civil Commitment of Sex Offenders Summary and Conclusions Key Concepts CHAPTER 11. Psychology in Civil Litigation Civil Capacities End-of-Life Issues Psychology in the Employment Sphere Wrongful Death and Personal Injury Suits Psychology in the Educational Sphere Summary and Conclusions Key Concepts CHAPTER 12. Psychological Assessment and the Law Forensic Assessment in Civil Cases Psychological Assessment in Criminal Cases Forensic Classifications of Assessment and Testing Clinical Measures and Assessment Techniques Forensically Relevant Instruments (FRIs) Forensic Assessment Instruments (FAIs) Forensic Evaluations in Delinquency Cases Summary and Conclusions Key Concepts Glossary Cases Cited References Author Index Subject Index

"The text provides a comprehensive overview of clinical and non-clinical aspects of psychology and the legal system. It is easy to read and clearly illustrates how we can apply psychological principles to the criminal justice system." -- Lisa Topp-Manriquez "I like the use of research and citations throughout the text. It is more comprehensive than my current text and does a much better job of presenting the scientific evidence." -- Kathy McGuire "This is a very useful textbook which uses succinct phrases and terminologies to explain the concepts, theories, and cases in a thorough manner. Both my students and I like it very much. With so many case studies in each chapter, students have the opportunities to demonstrate/present their understanding of the relevant concepts and theories, along with the cases." -- Yin-Yin Tan "... this is a fact filled, comprehensive textbook with illustrations in the form of charts, tables and figures that support the text. The case and research studies further support the narrative in the textbook. Critical thinking questions imbedded in these studies help students to utilize critical thinking skills and demonstrate their knowledge of course information. This is a must use textbook for any instructor teaching about the interface of psychology & the law." -- William A. Holt

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