Acknowledgments About the Authors Introduction PART 1: TRANSFORMATIVE PLANNING AND INSTRUCTION Chapter 1. What's at Stake? Teaching Toward Expertise- With a Sense of Urgency Chapter 2. Making the Shift From Informational to Transformational Teaching Chapter 3. Introduction to the EMPOWER Canvas PART 2: ENVISIONING AND MAPPING Chapter 4. Envisioning the Destination Through Principled Planning Protocols Chapter 5. Mapping the Path to Mastery Through Task Deconstruction PART 3: PRIMING AND ORIENTING Chapter 6. Priming Learners Through Caring Community and Collaborative Classroom Culture: A Prerequisite "Must-Make Move" for ICA Chapter 7. Framing the Future Challenge: Priming and Orienting Learning Through Essential Questions Chapter 8. Preparing Students for Success: Priming and Orienting Learning Through Frontloading PART 4: WALKING THROUGH, EXTENDING, AND EXPLORING Chapter 9. Seeing Is Believing-and Understanding: Walking Students Through With Visualization Strategies Chapter 10. Navigating New Terrain: Walking Students Through With Think-Aloud Strategies Chapter 11. The Quest Is to Powerfully Question! Walking Students Through Expert Questioning Strategies Chapter 12. Setting Up Learners for Successful Collaboration: Walking Through and Extending Expertise With Collaborative Group Structures Chapter 13. To Speak, to Be Heard, to Listen, and to Learn: Extending Expertise With Discussions That Promote Deeper Understanding PART 5: REFLECTING Chapter 14. Moving Into the Future: Reflecting Through Assessments for and as Learning Chapter 15. Bringing It All Together: Extending, Exploring, and Reflecting Through Culminating Projects and Assessments Concluding Thoughts References and Resources Index