Chapter 1 - Defining Balance, Finding Balance Chapter 2 - Whole Class Reading Instruction: High-Level Support for Learning Chapter 3 - Whole Class Writing Instruction: High-Level Support for Learning Chapter 4 - Collaborative Reading and Writing: Learning in the Company of Peers Chapter 5 - Small Group Reading Instruction: Targeted Support Through Guided Learning Chapter 6 - Small Group Writing Instruction: Targeted Support Through Guided Learning Chapter 7 - Independent Reading: Practicing, Applying, and Extending Learning Chapter 8 - Independent Writing Instruction: Practicing, Applying, and Extending Learning Chapter 9 - Assessment and Intervention in the Balanced Literacy Classroom: Noticing and Responding to Students' Needs References
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These authors (if more than you!) have brilliantly synthesized evidence-based best practices for quality instruction - breaking down the complexities of a balanced literacy classroom and aligning excellent instruction with formative assessment to meet the needs of all learners. This resource exemplifies the distinguished practices of Danielson's framework and makes it digestible as a tool for classroom teachers in planning and implementing a balanced literacy approach sure to yield tangible achievement results! -- Lura A. Hanks "Balanced literacy means different things to different people. In This Is Balanced Literacy, Fisher, Frey, and Akhavan take a research-based, best-practices look at what balanced literacy can and should be. Readers will leave with loads of practices and ideas to fine-tune every aspect of their balanced literacy curriculum to truly maximize student learning!" -- Wiley Blevins, Author