Charles Vanover is an associate professor at the University of South Florida. He is the author of "Chalkboard Concerto," "Teaching the Power of the Word," and the five ethnodramas in his Inquiry Theatre Series. Paul Mihas is the Assistant Director of Education and Qualitative Research at the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is the former managing editor of Social Forces, a journal of sociology published at the University of North Carolina Press. He teaches regularly through the ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research and the Global School of Empirical Research Methods at the University of St. Gallen, the Norwegian Business School, and the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Economics. As a qualitative analysis consultant with ResearchTalk, he serves as faculty at the annual Qualitative Research Summer Intensive and a mentor at ResearchTalk's Qualitative Data Analysis Camps. Mihas is a co-author on Ray Maietta's Sort and Sift, Think and Shift (forthcoming). Johnny Saldana is Professor Emeritus from Arizona State University's (ASU) School of Film, Dance, and Theatre in the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, where he taught from 1981 to 2014. He received his BFA in Drama and English Education in 1976, and MFA in Drama Education in 1979 from the University of Texas at Austin. Saldana is the author of Longitudinal Qualitative Research: Analyzing Change through Time (AltaMira Press, 2003); Fundamentals of Qualitative Research (Oxford University Press, 2011); Ethnotheatre: Research from Page to Stage (Left Coast Press, 2011); Thinking Qualitatively: Methods of Mind (Sage Publications, 2015); a commissioned title for Routledge's World Library of Educationalists Series, Writing Qualitatively: The Selected Works of Johnny Saldana (Routledge, 2018); co-author with the late Matthew B. Miles and A. Michael Huberman for Qualitative Data Analysis: A Methods Sourcebook (4th ed., Sage Publications, 2020); co-author with Matt Omasta for Qualitative Research: Analyzing Life (Sage Publications, 2018); and the editor of Ethnodrama: An Anthology of Reality Theatre (AltaMira Press, 2005). Previous editions of The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers have been translated into Korean, Turkish, and Chinese-Simplified. Saldana's methods works have been cited and referenced in more than 16,000 research studies conducted in over 130 countries in disciplines such as K-12 and higher education, medicine and health care, technology and social media, business and economics, government and social services, the fine arts, the social sciences, human development, and communication. He has published a wide range of research articles in journals such as Research in Drama Education, The Qualitative Report, Multicultural Perspectives, Youth Theatre Journal, Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, Teaching Theatre, Research Studies in Music Education, Cultural Studies ? Critical Methodologies, the International Journal of Qualitative Methods, the International Review of Qualitative Research, and Qualitative Inquiry, and has contributed several chapters to research methods handbooks. His most popular journal article, "Blue-Collar Qualitative Research: A Rant" (Qualitative Inquiry, 2014), has been downloaded by over 3,000 readers, according to ResearchGate. Saldana's research in qualitative inquiry, data analysis, and performance ethnography has received awards from the American Alliance for Theatre & Education, the National Communication Association-Ethnography Division, the American Educational Research Association's Qualitative Research Special Interest Group, New York University's Program in Educational Theatre, the Children's Theatre Foundation of America, and the ASU Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts.
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Introduction - Charles Vanover, Paul Mihas, and Johnny Saldana SECTION 1: DATA AND CONCEPTUAL OPTIONS - Charles Vanover and Paul Mihas Chapter 1: As A Qualitative Study Unfolds: Shifts in Design and Analysis - Gerardo L. Blanco & Gretchen B. Rossman Chapter 2: Using Qualitative Data Analysis Software to Manage the Research Process - Jessica N. Lester & Trena M. Paulus Chapter 3: After Someone Else's Interview - Sheryl L. Chatfield SECTION 2: INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTION STRATEGIES - Charles Vanover Chapter 4: Transcription as a Form of Qualitative Inquiry - Charles Vanover Chapter 5: Theories and Practices of Transcription from Discourse Analysis - Mariaelena Bartesaghi Chapter 6: Voice to Text: Automating Transcription - Silvana di Gregorio SECTION 3: STRATEGIES FOR CODING AND CATEGORIZING DATA - Paul Mihas Chapter 7: Coding System Design and Management - Daniel Turner Chapter 8: Deductive and Inductive Approaches to Qualitative Data Analysis - Andrea J. Bingham & Patricia Witkowsky Chapter 9: Coding, Categorizing, and Theming the Data: A Reflexive Search for Meaning - Janet C. Richards Chapter 10: Oral Coding: An Alternative Way to Make Sense of Interview Data - James A. Bernauer Chapter 11: Mapping Trajectories: Analyzing and Interpreting Focus Group Data Rhizomatically - Alyson Welker & George Kamberelis Chapter 12: Analyzing and Coding Interviews and Focus Groups Considering Cross-Cultural and Cross-Language Data - Elsa M. Gonzalez and Yvonna S. Lincoln SECTION 4: REFLECTION AND ANALYTIC MEMOING STRATEGIES - Paul Mihas Chapter 13: On Being a Researcher-Participant: Challenges With the Iterative Process of Data Production, Analysis and (Re)Production - Craig M. McGill, Drew Puroway, and Mark Duslak Chapter 14: Memo Writing Strategies: Analyzing the Parts and the Whole - Paul Mihas Chapter 15: Critical Analytic Memoing - Elaine Keane SECTION 5: INTERPRETIVE STRATEGIES - Paul Mihas Chapter 16: Listening Deeply: Indexing Research Conversations - Jaime L. Fiddler Chapter 17: Emergent Analysis: Strategies for Making Sense of an Evolving Longitudinal Study - Adrian Larbi-Cherif, Cori Egan, Joshua L. Glazer Chapter 18: Making Claims Using Qualitative Data - Tim Huffman SECTION 6: ARTS-BASED PRACTICES - Johnny Saldana Chapter 19: Dramatizing Interviews - Johnny Saldana Chapter 20: What Makes an Effective Teacher? Revealing Good Teaching Practice Through Poetic Transcription - Robyn Shenfield & Monica Prendergast Chapter 21: Embedding Critical, Creative, and Contemplative Data Analysis in Interview Studies - Kakali Bhattacharya Chapter 22: Follow the Headlights: On Comics-Based Data Analysis - Sally Campbell Galman SECTION 7: WRITING-UP PRACTICES - Paul Mihas Chapter 23: Turning Transcripts into Stories - Aishath Nasheeda, Haslinda Binti Abdullah, Steven Eric Krauss, Nobaya Binti Ahmed Chapter 24: Writing for a Broad Audience: White Papers, Blogs, and OpEds - Jessica Smartt Gullion Chapter 25: Sophie's Choices: The Social Act of Publishing a Qualitative Study - Mitchell Allen Conclusion - Paul Mihas, Johnny Saldana, and Charles Vanover
This book is a great addition to the library of qualitative books for use with graduate students. Each chapter has examples to use and offers the nuance and complexities that are inherent in qualitative inquiry. -- Anne M. Hornak As an instructor of qualitative research courses, I know this text will be immediately useful for my students. Each chapter calls to mind a student who could benefit from its contents. The whole book is written in a way that's accessible and down-to-earth and it will appeal to graduate students especially; I've picked up some new techniques, as well. -- Jane West A complete guide for qualitative researchers - emerging or experienced. New ways to think about the vital role of qualitative studies! -- Jacalyn M. Griffen The chapter authors provide clear, practical, and vibrant examples of their strategies. Individually, each chapter gives care to how the authors have used the strategy in the past. Collectively, the chapters provide a wealth of unique and innovative analysis approaches for all qualitative researchers to consider. -- Peggy Shannon-Baker