Joseph Ricapito Professor of Comparative Literature. Director of Italian program. Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles, 1966 (225) 578-6616 Dr. Joseph V. Ricapito, Yenni Distinguished Professor, was the invited Distinguished Visiting Lecturer in Honors and the Eastern Washington University, November, 2003; Dr. Joseph V. Ricapito has been chosen as the 2004 Cervantes Lecturer for the Cervantes Lectureship at Fordham University, April 28, 2004. Teaching: Spanish Golden Age literature. Picaresque literature within an interdisciplinary historical and literary context. Renaissance humanism as a cross-cultural dialogue between Spain and Italy. Poetry of Petrarch. Medieval and Early Modern Italian literature. Research interests. Authors of the Italian Renaissance and Spanish Golden Age: Cervantes and Machiavelli. Renaissance thought as cross-cultural. Writing and publishing my own poetic works. Approach: The grounding of all the literary artifacts within a historical and cultural context constitutes my essential point of departure in any literary analysis.