Without Covers incites conversation, debate, argument, and most pressingly, questions regarding the reasons behind and effects of small literary magazines moving to online publishing in North America. Questions discussed are: Is it possible? How? When? and the most puzzling, Why? Through the musings of nineteen well-known editors, poets, fiction, nonfiction, and hypertext writers readers can eavesdrop into a discussion of the purpose and politics of online publishing that has created a new bridge between traditional literary interests and current institutional, cultural, and financial pressures to focus on technology. The nationally distributed books and small magazines represented are Archipelago, The Cortland Review, The Drunken Boat, The Iowa Review, The Kenyon Review, The Literary Review, Leonardo's Horse, The Missouri Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, Poets & Writers, Postmodern American Fiction, Postmodern Culture, River Styx, and ZYZZYVA. The featured writers are: R.M. Berry, Heather Shayne Blakeslee, Walter Cummins, Paula Geyh, David Hamilton, Steve Heller, Henry Hughes, Michael Joyce, Howard Junker, Robert Kendall, David Lynn, Katherine McNamara, Speer Morgan, Richard Newman, Lucia Perillo, Rebecca Seiferle, Guy Shahar, John Tranter, and Marion Wrenn.