Quentin Smith is the 2002 honorary member of Phi Betta Kappa (one honorary member is selected each year) He has been the editor of Philo: Journal of the Society for Humanist Philosophers since 2001 and the philosophy editor for Prometheus Books since 2002. He was the only philosopher selected for an award by the American Council of Learned Societies in 1996, and was awarded $20,000. He has been a full professor in the Philosophy Department, Western Michigan University since 1995. He was the Lillian Pierson Lovelace Visiting Professor at Antioch College from 1991 through 1993. He received the 1986 Rockefeller Award for the best philosophical work by an academically unaffiliated philosopher, for the article "Problems with the New Tenseless Theory of Time" the same award in 1984 for the article "The Infinite Regress of Temporal Attributions."
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A colleague has called TheFelt Meanings of the World the most important work in phenomenology yet writtenby an American. I tend to agree."-International Philosophy Quarterly