Elke Sturm-Trigonak teaches comparative literature and German literature at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Her interests in research include multilingual and hybrid world literature, the picaresque, crime fiction, urban literature, and the transfer of literary themes (e.g., Don Quijote, Don Juan). In addition to numerous articles in German, Spanish, and English, her book publications include Barcelona in der Literatur (1944--88) (1993), Barcelona. La novel. La urbana (1944--88) (1996), and Global playing in der Literatur. Ein Versuch ueber die Neue Weltliteratur (2007).
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Contents Goethe's Weltliteratur and the Career of an IdeaHybrid Literary Texts and Philological Paradigms New World Literature and a Systemic Reorganization of Hybrid Fictional Texts A Survey of Poetic Multilingualism From One-Word-Interference to Metamultulingualism and Transtextuality Multilingualism as a Poetic Strategy Nomadic Biographies in New World Literature Global Cities and Borderlands as Transnational Spaces Global and Local Temporal Layers and the De-placement of National History