Library Technical Services


Adapting to a Changing Environment

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Edited by Stacey Marien
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Stacey Marien is the head of acquisitions at American University in Washington, DC. She received her MSLS from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She cowrites a column called Let's Get Technical for Against the Grain. She has been the acquisitions librarian at American University for over ten years; before that she was the business librarian at American University as well as Elon College (now University). She has been published in several library-related journals and magazines, including Against the Grain, Choice, Reference and User Services Quarterly, and The Bottom Line.

Preface INTRODUCTION: The Challenges Facing Library Technical Services: A Dialogue, by Rebecca Ciota and R. Cecilia Knight CHALLENGE ONE: The Evolution of Library Cataloging and Metadata CHAPTER 1: From Records to Data: The New Purposes of Cataloging, by Kara D. Long CHAPTER 2: Measuring Metadata Quality: A User Research Approach, by Erin Elzi and Kevin Clair CHAPTER 3: Technical Services Advocacy: Partnerships in the Library and Beyond, by Bridget Euliano, Peggy Griesinger, Kimberley A. Edwards, and Tricia Mackenzie CHAPTER 4: A Road Taken: A Cataloging Team Becomes a Metadata Team, by Scott M. Dutkiewicz and Jessica L. Serrao CHALLENGE TWO: Improving Collection Evaluation and Management CHAPTER 5: Assessing the Work of Technical Services Through an In-Depth Analysis of Physical Resource Usage, by Laura Kirkland CHAPTER 6: Building Better Collections Through Relationships: Sharing Expertise During Collection Downsizing, by Mary C. Aagard, Nancy Rosenheim, Marlena Hooyboer, and Cheri A. Folkner CHAPTER 7: Bound for the Stacks: Strategic Rightsizing and Classification of Print Journals Collections, by Emily A. Hicks and Fred W. Jenkins CHAPTER 8: Space Reclamation: The Cataloging Department's Role in Weeding Projects, by Muriel D. Nero and Jia He CHAPTER 9: Relocating, Downsizing, and Merging: Inventory Projects to Manage Change in a Digital Environment, by Gail Perkins Barton and Rachel Elizabeth Scott CHALLENGE THREE: Rethinking Library Space Usage CHAPTER 10: For Efficiency's Sake: Consolidating Workflows, Managing Change, and Positioning Ourselves for the Future, by Mary S. Laskowski and Jennifer A. Maddox Abbott CHAPTER 11: A Framework for Addressing the Psychological Aspects of Relocating Technical Services Off-Site, by Christine Korytnyk Dulaney CHAPTER 12: Building an Infrastructure: Integrating Access and Technical Services for Improved Service Quality Utilizing a Supply Chain Model, by Karen Glover, Elizabeth Winter, and Emy Nelson Decker CHALLENGE FOUR: Staffing Technical Services CHAPTER 13: Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice in Library Technical Services, by Rhonda Y. Kauffman and Martina S. Anderson CHAPTER 14: Creative Solutions to Technical Services Staffing Challenges in an Academic Library, by Meghan Banach Bergin and Sally Krash CHAPTER 15: Auraria Library: One Technical Services Department, Three Institutions, by Sommer Browning CHAPTER 16: Redefining the Pie: Doing More With Less in Technical Services, by Monika Glowacka-Musial, Ellen Bosman, and John Sandstrom CHAPTER 17: Crossing Conventional Lines: Innovative Staffing and Cross-Training in Technical Services, by Lisa Kallman Hopkins CHAPTER 18: Challenging the Status Quo: Collaboration and Creativity in Small Academic Libraries, by Susanne Markgren CHAPTER 19: Out From the Shadows: Transforming Technical Services During an Academic Library's Reorganization, by Courtney McAllister CHAPTER 20: Technical Metamorphosis by Design, by Maaike Oldemans and Jennifer Kronenbitter CHAPTER 21: Responding to Evolutionary Workflow Challenges Through Staffing Adaptation: A Play in Five Acts, by Kimberly W. Stevens, Mary Bevis, Bethany Latham, and Jodi Poe CHALLENGE FIVE: Government Documents Collections in a Digital Era CHAPTER 22: Using CRDP to Manage Cataloging in a Federal Depository Library, by Edith K. Beckett CHAPTER 23: Bridging Functions: Government Publications Librarians as Technical and Public Service Ambassadors, by McKinley Sielaff CHALLENGE SIX: Adapting for the Future CHAPTER 24: Facing Distance Education Challenges in the Library Through Collaboration Between Technical and Public Services Departments: A Case Study, by Katherine Hill and Samantha Harlow CHAPTER 25: Evolving Ethos and Etiquette: Why and How We Altered Our Library-Vendor Relationships, by Laurel Sammonds Crawford and Allyson Rodriguez CHAPTER 26: Adopting Agile: Workflow and Personnel Management in Technical Services at a Small Academic Library, by Paromita Biswas Glossary Bibliography List of Contributors Index

"This is a valuable guide on the changing nature of technical services in libraries, detailing how libraries adapt services, positions, job descriptions, and personnel to accommodate the changing nature of information and the academic environment. Librarians interested in learning how other institutions have handled departmental moves, changes in organizational structure, and adjustments in job duties will find this a useful resource."

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