Michael J. McGrath is a professor of Spanish at Georgia Southern University and a corresponding fellow of the San Quirce Royal Academy of History and Art in Segovia, Spain. His research focuses on early modern Spanish life and literature, with special emphasis on cultural studies, the comedia, Don Quixote, and intellectual history. He is the author of more than sixty publications, including two books based on archival research, La vida urbana en Segovia: Historia de una ciudad barroca en sus documentos and Teatro y fiesta en la ciudad de Segovia (siglos XVIII y XIX); the first English translation of Spanish priest Ruy Lopez's chess treatise from 1561 titled The Art of the Game of Chess; editions of four of Miguel de Cervantes's Novelas ejemplares; plays by Pedro Calderon de la Barca, Maria de Zayas, and Diego de San Pedro; articles that have appeared in the journals Cervantes, Comedia Performance, Bulletin of Comediantes, Estudios Segovianos, eHumanista, and Romance Quarterly; several book chapters; and over twenty book reviews. He has been the editor of Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs since 2008.
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Acknowledgments Introduction Chapter One: Miguel de Cervantes and Early Modern Catholicism Chapter Two: The Hermeneutics of Cervantine Spirituality Chapter Three: Don Quixote and Moral Theology Chapter Four: Tilting at the Truth Chapter Five: The Anthropological Vision of Don Quixote Chapter Six: From La Mancha to Manresa Conclusion Notes Bibliography Index