Introduction; Optimal Environments for Preschoolers with Special Needs; How to Use the CCPSN Assessment Log; Sequences; Social Adaptation; Self Regulation; Interpersonal Skills; Self-Concept; Self-Help Skills: Eating; Self-Help Skills: Dressing; Self-Help Skills: Grooming; Self-Help Skills: Toileting; Cognition; Attention and Memory: Visual; Visual Perception: Blocks and Puzzles; Visual Perception: Matching and Sorting; Functional Use of Objects and Symbolic Play; Problem Solving/Reasoning; Cognition/Communication; Number Concepts; Concepts/Vocabulary: Receptive; Concepts/Vocabulary: Expressive; Communication; Attention and Memory: Auditory; Verbal Comprehension (following directions); Conversation Skills; Sentence Construction; Imitation: Vocal; Fine Motor; Motor Imitation; Fine Motor Skills: Grasp and Manipulation; Fine Motor Skills: Bilateral Skills; Fine Motor Skills: Tool Use; Visual Motor Skill; Gross Motor; Gross Motor Skills Upright: Posture and Locomotion; Gross Motor Skills Upright: Balance; Gross Motor Skills: Balls; Gross Motor Skills: Outdoor Play; Appendix A; Appendix B ]