Vicissitudes of Fechnerian Psychophysics in America; Neglect of G.E. Muller in the History of American Psychology; Why Study Wundtian Psychology?; Solomon Diamond, Francis Galton and American Psychology; William James on the Demise of Positivism and the Denial and Affirmation of the Self; The Americanization of Psychology Before William James; Politics and American Psychology; Diverse Relations Between Psychology and Evolutionary Thought; Gestalt Psychology and Evolutionary Psychology; The Experimental Analysis of Operant Behaviour - a History; The Historical Antecedents of Contemporary Behaviourism; The Assimilation of Psychoanlaysis in America - From Popularization to Vulgarization; In Tribute to Piaget - a Look at His Scientific Impact in the United States - Genetic Epistemology and Developmental Psychology; Some Recent Research and its Link With a New Theory of Groupings and Conservations Based on Commutability; Thought and Things - James Mark Baldwin and the Biosocial Origins of Mind; the Historical and Contemporary Significance of Vygotsky's Sociohistorical Psychology; Sitzfleisch, the Zeitgeist and the Hindsightgeist.