PART I. Basic Concepts of Alien Invasion and Evolution
Chapter 1. Alien Species and Accelerated Evolution
Chapter 2. Adaptation of Alien Species for Dispersal and Establishment
Chapter 3. Founder Effects and Exotic Variability
Chapter 4. Introduction Sources, Cryptic Species, and Invasion Routes
PART II. Processes of Evolutionary Change and Adaptation
Chapter 5. Hybridization and Evolution of Exotics
Chapter 6. Hybridization and Transgenic Organisms
Chapter 7. Invasion Resistance of Native Communities
Chapter 8. Adaptation of Alien Species to New Habitats
PART III. Evolutionary Interaction of Aliens and Natives
Chapter 9. Evolutionary Adaptation by Alien Herbivores
Chapter 10. Evolutionary Adaptation by Alien Predators and Parasites
Chapter 11. Adaptation of Alien Diseases to Hosts and Vectors
Chapter 12. Adaptation of Plants to Alien Herbivores and Diseases
Chapter 13. Adaptation of Native Herbivores to Alien Plants
Chapter 14. Adaptation of Animals to Alien Predators, Parasites, and Disease Agents
Chapter 15. Accumulation of Herbivores, Predators, and Parasites by Alien Species
PART IV. Global Evolutionary Consequences of Alien Invasions
Chapter 16. Alien Species as Agents of Extirpation and Extinction
Chapter 17. Evolutionary Ecology of Alien Biological Control Agents
Chapter 18. Counteradaptation and Integration into the Biotic Community
Chapter 19. Dispersing Aliens and Speciation
Chapter 20. Permanently Altered Biotic Communities
Literature Cited