Prologue \ Douglas Tompkins
Introduction \ Andrew Kimbrell
PART I. Corporate Lies: Busting the Myths of Industrial Agriculture
Chapter 1. Seven Deadly Myths of Industrial Agriculture
-Myth One: Industrial Agriculture Will Feed the World
-Myth Two: Industrial Food Is Safe, Healthy, and Nutritious
-Myth Three: Industrial Food Is Cheap
-Myth Four: Industrial Agriculture Is Efficient
-Myth Five: Industrial Food Offers More Choices
-Myth Six: Industrial Agriculture Benefits the Environment and Wildlife
-Myth Seven: Biotechnology Will Solve the Problems of Industrial Agriculture
PART II. The Agrarian and Industrial Worldviews
Chapter 2. Understanding the Agrarian Ethic
-The Whole Horse: The Preservation of the Agrarian Mind \ Wendell Berry
-Agricultural Landscapes in Harmony with Nature \ Joan Iverson Nassauer
-Global Monoculture: The Worldwide Destruction of Diversity \ Helena Norberg-Rodge
-Farming in Nature's Image: Natural Systems Agriculture \ Wes Jackson
Chapter 3. Understanding Industrial Agriculture
-Hard Times for Diversity \ David Ehrenfeld
- Machine Logic: Industrializing Nature and Agriculture \ Jerry Mander
-Industrial Agriculture's War against Nature \ Ron Kroese
-The Impossible Race: Population Growth and the Fallacies of Agricultural Hope \ Hugh H. litis
PART III. Industrial Agriculture's Toxic Trail
Chapter 4. Technological Takeover
-Artificial Fertility: The Environmental Costs of Industrial Fertilizers \ Jason McKenney
-Hidden Dimensions of Damage: Pesticides and Health \ Monica Moore
-Untested, Unlabeled, and You're Eating It: The Health and Environmental Hazards of Genetically Engineered Food \ Joseph Mendelson Ill
- Nuclear Lunch: The Dangers and Unknowns of Food Irradiation \ Michael Colby
Chapter 5. Ecological Impacts
-Tilth and Technology: The Industrial Redesign of Our Nation's Soils \ Peter Warshall
-Water: The Overtapped Resource \ Mark Briscoe
-Our Forgotten Pollinators: Protecting the Birds and the Bees \ Mrill Ingram, Stephen Buchmann, and Gary-+ Nabhan
-Can Agriculture and Biodiversity Coexist? \ Catherine Badgley
-Wildlife Health \ Kelley R. Tucker
PART IV. Organic & Beyond: Revisioning Agriculture for the 21st Century
Chapter 6. Name the Enemy
-The End of Agribusiness: Dismantling the Mechanisms of Corporate Rule \ Dave Henson
-Intellectual Property: Enhancing Corporate Monopoly and Bioserfdom \ Hope J. Shand
-Globalization and Industrial Agriculture \ Debi Barker
Chapter 7. Going Organic & Beyond
-Uncle Ben: Coin' Organic Just Like We Used To \ Jim Hightower
-Organics at the Crossroads: The Past and the Future of the Organic Movement \ Michael Sligh
-The Ethics of Eating: Why Environmentalism Starts at the Breakfast Table \ Alice Waters
-Fully Integrated Food Systems: Regaining Connections between Farmers and Consumers \ Rebecca Spector
-Community Food Security: A Promising Alternative to the Global Food System \ Andrew Fisher
-Eco-Labels: Promoting Alternatives in the Marketplace \ Betsy Lydon
-Farming with the Wild: A Conservation Approach to Agriculture \ Daniel Imhoff
Hope \ Wendell Berry
Selected References and Readings
Organizational Resources
Introduction \ Andrew Kimbrell
PART I. Corporate Lies: Busting the Myths of Industrial Agriculture
Chapter 1. Seven Deadly Myths of Industrial Agriculture
-Myth One: Industrial Agriculture Will Feed the World
-Myth Two: Industrial Food Is Safe, Healthy, and Nutritious
-Myth Three: Industrial Food Is Cheap
-Myth Four: Industrial Agriculture Is Efficient
-Myth Five: Industrial Food Offers More Choices
-Myth Six: Industrial Agriculture Benefits the Environment and Wildlife
-Myth Seven: Biotechnology Will Solve the Problems of Industrial Agriculture
PART II. The Agrarian and Industrial Worldviews
Chapter 2. Understanding the Agrarian Ethic
-The Whole Horse: The Preservation of the Agrarian Mind \ Wendell Berry
-Agricultural Landscapes in Harmony with Nature \ Joan Iverson Nassauer
-Global Monoculture: The Worldwide Destruction of Diversity \ Helena Norberg-Rodge
-Farming in Nature's Image: Natural Systems Agriculture \ Wes Jackson
Chapter 3. Understanding Industrial Agriculture
-Hard Times for Diversity \ David Ehrenfeld
- Machine Logic: Industrializing Nature and Agriculture \ Jerry Mander
-Industrial Agriculture's War against Nature \ Ron Kroese
-The Impossible Race: Population Growth and the Fallacies of Agricultural Hope \ Hugh H. litis
PART III. Industrial Agriculture's Toxic Trail
Chapter 4. Technological Takeover
-Artificial Fertility: The Environmental Costs of Industrial Fertilizers \ Jason McKenney
-Hidden Dimensions of Damage: Pesticides and Health \ Monica Moore
-Untested, Unlabeled, and You're Eating It: The Health and Environmental Hazards of Genetically Engineered Food \ Joseph Mendelson Ill
- Nuclear Lunch: The Dangers and Unknowns of Food Irradiation \ Michael Colby
Chapter 5. Ecological Impacts
-Tilth and Technology: The Industrial Redesign of Our Nation's Soils \ Peter Warshall
-Water: The Overtapped Resource \ Mark Briscoe
-Our Forgotten Pollinators: Protecting the Birds and the Bees \ Mrill Ingram, Stephen Buchmann, and Gary-+ Nabhan
-Can Agriculture and Biodiversity Coexist? \ Catherine Badgley
-Wildlife Health \ Kelley R. Tucker
PART IV. Organic & Beyond: Revisioning Agriculture for the 21st Century
Chapter 6. Name the Enemy
-The End of Agribusiness: Dismantling the Mechanisms of Corporate Rule \ Dave Henson
-Intellectual Property: Enhancing Corporate Monopoly and Bioserfdom \ Hope J. Shand
-Globalization and Industrial Agriculture \ Debi Barker
Chapter 7. Going Organic & Beyond
-Uncle Ben: Coin' Organic Just Like We Used To \ Jim Hightower
-Organics at the Crossroads: The Past and the Future of the Organic Movement \ Michael Sligh
-The Ethics of Eating: Why Environmentalism Starts at the Breakfast Table \ Alice Waters
-Fully Integrated Food Systems: Regaining Connections between Farmers and Consumers \ Rebecca Spector
-Community Food Security: A Promising Alternative to the Global Food System \ Andrew Fisher
-Eco-Labels: Promoting Alternatives in the Marketplace \ Betsy Lydon
-Farming with the Wild: A Conservation Approach to Agriculture \ Daniel Imhoff
Hope \ Wendell Berry
Selected References and Readings
Organizational Resources