Introduction: a new system. Part 1 Federalism today: Federalism and its many faces - what is federalism?, what are intergovernmental relations? Part 2 Nearly four centuries of American federalism, 1607-1998: American federalism and its intergovernmental relations, 1607-1789; variations on dual federalism, 1789-1930; the rise and maturation of cooperative federalism, 1930-1960; cooperative federalism's conceptual offspring, 1960-1980; the reaction to cooperative (and co-optive) federalism, 1981-1998. Part 3 Some dynamics of today's system: the federal judiciary - centralizer or umpire?; fiscal federalism - the fateful dynamic; a resurgent role for the States?; a new political system? Part 4 Toward a rebirth of federalism: what of the future?