Which president was wounded during the Revolutionary War? What is an executive order? How many bills did each president veto? Which presidentAEs wife was the first to be called the First Lady? These are just a few of the many questions answered in CQAEs Desk Reference on the Presidency.''''This ready-reference offers a wealth of information on the presidency. The 500-plus questions have been selected to provide an uncomplicated look at the American presidency, its organization, procedures, and history, as well as the presidents themselves and their families. Chapters include presidentAEs powers and duties, elections that brought them to office, highlights of presidential administrations, and the inner workings of the White House and the Executive Branch.''''The Desk Reference question-and-answer format allows readers to quickly search for the answers they needuby turning to the appropriate subsection of questions, by following out cross-references between questions, and by using the extensive, descriptive index to find the specific questions with the needed information.''