William A. DeGregorio was a freelance writer and editor specializing in historical and political subjects and reference works. He wrote hundreds of articles for such authoriative reference works as the Encyclopedia Britannica and the Encyclopedia America. Aaron Jaffe was raised in Philadelphia, and graduated from Whittier College in 2005 with an English major. Incidentally, Whittier is the alma matter of Richard Nixon. Richard and Aaron were not close. Jaffe was an early YouTube content creator, running one of the site's 30 most subscribed channels in 2008, generating millions of views. One of his political videos (a mash-up of Hillary Clinton campaign slogans and the theme song to The Fresh Prince of Bel Air sitcom) was featured on ABC News. In 2009, Jaffe put a halt on video making to pursue a lacrosse coaching career, which saw him coach internationally and on the collegiate level. He is currently writing his first novel and resides in Denver, Colo.