Part I: History and Theory. Watson, Greenberg, Lietaer, The Experiential Paradigm Unfolding: Relationship and Experiencing. Greenberg, Van Balen, The Theory of Experience-Centered Therapies. Part II: Foundational Processes Watson, Goldman, Vanaerschot, Empathy: A Postmodern Way of Being? Yontef, Dialogic Gestalt Therapy. Schneider, Existential Processes. Leijssen, Focusing Microprocesses. van Kessel, Lietaer, Interpersonal Processes. Bohart, Tallman, The Person as Active Agent in Experiential Therapy. Mahrer, How Can Impressive In-Session Changes Become Impressive Postsession Changes? Part III: Differential Treatment Applications. Greenberg, Watson, Goldman, Process-Experiential Therapy of Depression. Elliott, Davis, Slatik, Process-Experiential Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Difficulties. Wolfe, Sigl, Experiential Psychotherapy of the Anxiety Disorders. Sachse, Goal-Oriented Client-Centered Psychotherapy of Psychosomatic Disorders. Hudgins, Experiential Psychodrama with Sexual Trauma. Eckert, Biermann-Ratjen, The Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder. Warner, A Client-Centered Approach to Therapeutic Work with Dissociated and Fragile Process. Prouty, Pretherapy and Presymbolic Experiencing. Speirer, Psychopathology According to the Differential Incongruence Model. Melnick, Nevis, Diagnosing in the Here and Now: A Gestalt Therapy Approach. Part IV: Conclusion. Greenberg, Lietaer, Watson, Experiential Therapy: Identity and Challenges.