Arriving at universal principles by which we judge the moral content of our actions has long been considered the exclusive domain of theology and philosophy. But advances in science and technology have stretched our moral boundaries. Contending that we must stop excluding science from the moral process, Joseph L. Daleiden offers the radical view that only an interdisciplinary approach grounded in scientific method can hope to develop moral norms appropriate to today's world. Far from being absolute and timeless commandments, our norms are social rules of behaviour designed to balance the needs of the individual with those of the larger society. Enriched by recent developments in philosophy, psychology, neurology, physics, socio-biology, sociology, and economics, "The Science of Morality" outlines a compelling set of hypotheses that challenges traditional notions of how moral behaviour is determined while focusing on the empirical questions that must be resolved if we are to confront such perplexing moral issues as abortion, euthanasia, drug use, poverty, and related problems.