Biography of Lee I. Levine
Publications of Lee I. Levine
Part 1: Hellenism, Christianity, and Judaism
Hellenism and Judaism before and after World War II: Two Case Studies—A. D. Momigliano and E. J. Bickerman; Albert I. Baumgarten
The Name of the Ruse: The Toss of a Ring to Save Life and Honor Shaye J. D. Cohen
Jesus and the Galilean Am ha-Aretz: A Reconsideration of an Old Problem Sean Freyne
Hellenism and Judaism: Fluid Boundaries Erich S. Gruen
Porphyry on Judaism: Some Observations Pieter W. van der Horst
The Bishops of Sepphoris: Christianity and Synagogue Iconography in the Late Fourth and Early Fifth Centuries Hillel I. Newman
The Humanistic Evaluation of Religion E. P. Sanders
Part 2: Art and Archaeology: Jerusalem and Galilee
The Observance of Ritual Purity after 70 c.e.: A Reevaluation of the Evidence in Light of Recent Archaeological Discoveries David Amit and Yonatan Adler
The Tomb of Jason Reconsidered Dan Barag
The Hippo-Stadium/Amphitheater in Jerusalem Amos Kloner and Sherry Whetstone
Aramaic Ostraca of the Late Second Temple Period from a Farmhouse North of Jerusalem Ronny Reich and Eli Shukron
An “Encore” on the Bar Kochba Tetradrachm: A Re-vision of Interpretation Elisheva Revel-Neher
Burial Practices in Beth She’rim and the Question of Dating the Patriarchal Necropolis Zeev Weiss
Part 3: The Rabbis
Abbaye’s Family Origins: A Study in Rabbinic Genealogy Aaron Demsky
The Miracle of the Septuagint in Ancient Rabbinic and Christian Literature Richard Kalmin
The Rabbinic Class Revisited: Rabbis as Judges in Later Roman Palestine Hayim Lapin
Rabbis, Preachers, and Aggadists: An Aspect of Jewish Culture in Third- and Fourth-Century Palestine David Levine
Rabbi Judah ha-Nasi and Babylonia: Ties and Tensions Aharon Oppenheimer
The Religious Orientation of Non-Rabbis in Second-Century Palestine: A Rabbinic Perspective Adiel Schremer
Martyrdom, the Middle Way, and Mediocrity (Genesis Rabbah 82:8) Daniel R. Schwartz
Sinai—Mountain and Desert: The Desert Geography and Theology of the Rabbis and Desert Fathers Joshua Schwartz
Rabbinic and Roman Honor and Deference: Berakot 5.1, 9a, and Y. Bikkurim 3.3, 65c–d Seth Schwartz
Part 4: The Ancient Synagogue
The Dura-Europos Synagogue Wall Paintings: A Question of Origin and Interpretation Rachel Hachlili
Priests and Purity in the Dura-Europos Synagogue Jodi Magness
The Problem of the Scarcity of Synagogues from 70 to ca c.e.: The Case of Synagogue 1 at Nabratein (2nd–3rd Century c.e.) Eric M. Meyers
The Synagogue as Foe in Early Christian Literature Leonard V. Rutgers
Hebrew Section
Part 1: Sages and Patriarchs
Epistles of the Patriarchs in Talmudic Literature Isaiah Gafni
On Aggadic Midrashim: Formation, Editing, Survival Moshe David Herr
Part 2: Archaeology, Art, and Historical Geography
Gader, Migdal Gader, Hammat Gader: Historical and Geographical Considerations in Interpreting a Talmudic Sugya in rubin Motti Arad
The Zodiac and Helios in the Synagogue: Between Paganism and Christianity Rina Talgam
Was King Herod Indeed a Megalomaniac? In Light of Kasher and Witztum’s New Book, King Herod: A Persecuted Persecutor—Ehud Netzer
Is “Bezer in the Wilderness” (Deut 4:43) Bozrah (Bostra, Roman Arabia)?On the Intricacies of a Rabbinic Tradition Oded Irshai