Part 1. On Fretheim
Introducing Fretheim: His Theology and His God Michael J. Chan and Brent A. Strawn
Fretheim on Fretheim: Some Personal Reflections on a Biblical-Theological Journey Terence E. Fretheim
Part 2. God and the World
Divine Dependence upon the Human: An Old Testament Perspective The Repentance of God:
A Key to Evaluating Old Testament God-Talk
The God Who Acts: An Old Testament Perspective
Some Reflections on Brueggemann’s God
Part 3. God and Suffering
What Kind of God?
To Say Something—About God, Evil, and Suffering
Su ering God and Sovereign God in Exodus: A Collision of Images
“Evil” after 9/11: A Consequence of Human Freedom
Part 4. God and Wrath
God and Violence in the Old Testament
Theological Reflections on the Wrath of God in the Old Testament
The Self-Limiting God of the Old Testament and Issues of Violence
“I Was Only a Little Angry”: Divine Violence in the Prophets
Part 5. God and the Pentateuch
Preaching Creation: Genesis 1–2
Creator, Creature, and Co-Creation in Genesis 1–2
"God Was with the Boy” (Genesis 21:20): Children in the Book of Genesis
The Plagues as Ecological Signs of Historical Disaster
The Reclamation of Creation: Redemption and Law in Exodus
Law in the Service of Life: A Dynamic Understanding of Law in Deuteronomy
Part 6. God and the Prophets
Divine Foreknowledge, Divine Constancy, and the Rejection of Saul’s Kingship
The Prophets and Social Justice: A Conservative Agenda
Caught in the Middle: Jeremiah’s Vocational Crisis
The Character of God in Jeremiah
Is Anything Too Hard for God? (Jeremiah 32:27)
The Exaggerated God of Jonah
Jonah and Theodicy
Part 7. God and the Church’s Book
The Old Testament in Christian Proclamation
Christology and the Old Testament
Salvation in the Bible vs. Salvation in the Church
The Authority of the Bible and Churchly Debates Regarding Sexuality
What Biblical Scholars Wish Pastors Would Start or Stop Doing about Ethical Issues in the Old Testament
Publications of Terence Fretheim