Chapter 1. The Role of a Canonical Approach
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Literary Approaches to Daniel 9:24–27
1.3. Daniel 9:24–27 in Light of Qumran
1.4. Cultic Motifs as an Interpretive Method for Reading Daniel 9:24–27
1.5. Canonical-Intertextual and Inner-Biblical Readings of Daniel 9:24–27
Chapter 2. A Canonical Approach
2.1. Canonics: The Historical Reconstruction of Canon
2.2. A Non-Material Unity of Canon
2.3. Features of a Canonical Approach
2.4. Conclusion
Chapter 3. The "Law and the Prophets" in Daniel 9:3–19
3.1. Daniel 9:2—The Beginning of a Framework
3.2. Daniel 9:3–19
3.3. Daniel the "Servant" and the Outpouring of a Tradition
3.4. The Seams Between the Torah-Prophets and Daniel 9:3–19
3.5. The Deuteronomistic Editor as Main Interlocutor?
3.6. Conclusion to 9:3–19 and Transition in 9:20–23
Chapter 4. Daniel 9:24–27
4.1. The Seventy Sevens
4.2. Daniel 9:24–25: Introduction to the Kingdom Pattern
4.3. Daniel 9:26–27: The Conclusion to the Kingdom Pattern
4.4. Conclusion
Chapter 5. Ambiguity and Space
5.1. The Biblical Theological Dimension of Daniel 9:24–27
5.2. Daniel 9:24–27 in the Olivet Discourse
5.3. Daniel 9:24–27 and the Character of Two-Testament Scripture
5.4. Daniel 9:24–27 and the Rule of Faith
Chapter 6. Conclusion
6.1. Daniel 9:24–27 as Christian Scripture
6.2. Conclusion
Appendix. The Dual-Location of the Book of Daniel
Index of Authors
Index of Scripture