Statement of Provenance, by Martin Schøyen
Series Editor’s Preface, by David I. Owen
1. Introduction
2. Archival Documents
Archival Tags (Nos. 1–5)
Sealed Tags with Inscriptions (No. 6)
Other Sealed Tags (Nos. 7–11)
Commodity Tags (Nos. 12–24)
3. Timekeeping (Nos. 25–27)
4. Accounts
Accounts Nos. 28–31
Structure of the Neo-Sumerian Account
“Debits” (sag-nig2-gur11-ra-kam) (Nos. 32–35)
“Credits” (ša3-bi-ta ... zi-ga-am3) (No. 36)
Operating Balance (No. 37)
5. Equivalencies (Nos. 38–39)
6. Accountability (Nos. 40–42)
7. Receipts: The Primary Documents
Sealed Receipts (Nos. 43–61)
Receipts Mentioning a Conveyor (giri3) (Nos. 62–63)
Unsealed Receipts (Nos. 64–66)
Sealed Receipts with kišib3 PN (Nos. 67–79)
Receipts with Envelopes (Nos. 80–84)
Unsealed Receipts (Nos. 85–92)
Receipt Copies (Nos. 93–102)
mu-kux(DU) Documents (Nos. 103–9)
ba-zi and zi-ga Documents (Nos. 110–21)
i3-dab5 Documents (Nos. 122–23)
in-la2 Documents (No. 124)
8. Administration of Work
Inventories (Nos. 125–41)
Smaller Inventories (Nos. 142–47)
“Work-Crew Lists”
Receipts (Nos. 148–54)
Accounts (Nos. 155–58)
Miscellaneous Work Texts (Nos. 157-158)
9. Letters (Nos. 159–67)
10. Messenger Texts
Type I Messenger Texts (Nos. 168–89)
Type Isub Messenger Texts (Nos. 190–91)
Type II Messenger Texts (Nos. 192–94)
Type III Messenger Texts
Type IV Messenger Texts
11. Legal Texts
Purchase Documents (Nos. 196–98)
Loan Documents (Nos. 199–201)
Miscellaneous Legal Documents (Nos. 202–8)
12. Miscellaneous Texts
An Inventory of Date Palms (No. 209)
An Inventory of Fallen Cattle (No. 210)
An Inventory of the Treasury of Alim-mah (No. 211)
An Exercise Tablet? (No. 212)
The Volume of Ditches and Canals (No. 213)
A Field Plan without a Drawing (No. 214)
Bundles of Reeds for the Storehouse of the Edana (No. 215)
Two Exercises in Cereal Computations (Nos. 216–17)
A Discarded Exercise Tablet? (No. 218)
Animals for Gods (No. 219)
A Receipt without Context (No. 220)
A Receipt of Three Receipts? (No. 221)
Two Inventories of Unknown Purpose (Nos. 222–23)
Two Fragments Glued Together (No. 224a–b)
Offerings from the Governor (No. 225)
Not a Tag? (No. 226)
Two Notes or Exercise Tablets? (Nos. 227–28)
Receipts or Exercise Tablets? (Nos. 229–32)
A Broken Account of Foodstuffs (No. 233)
Two Broken Accounts (Nos. 234–35)
Two Texts Related to the Messenger Service? (Nos. 236–37)
Two Texts of Uncertain Content (Nos. 238–39)
A Very Broken Text (No. 240)
Not an Account? (No. 241)
Not a Letter? (No. 242)
Not a Regular Legal Text (No. 243)
A Damaged Garšana Text (No. 244)
Appendix. Transliterations of Long Texts from Chapter 8: Worker Inventories (Nos. 126–31, 133, 135, 138, 140) and Work-day Accounts (Nos. 155, 156)
Personal Names
Divine Names and Names of Rulers
Cities, Villages, and Districts
Rivers and Canals
Threshing Floors
Month Names
Year Names
Sumerian and Akkadian Words