When retired surgeon James Priest was diagnosed with prostate cancer, he documented his experiences in a daily journal. Dr Priest learned that, although urologists often recommend surgical removal of the prostate, other treatments can be effective - but with less risk of such life-changing complications as impotence and incontinence. In addition to Dr. Priest's informative journal, this book contains twenty concise articles on important aspects of prostate cancer, written expressly for the layperson: What is the Prostate Gland? What is a PSA Test? Needle Biopsy of the Prostate Gland; What is a Gleason Score? What is Cancer? Dealing with the Diagnosis; Roles of Physicians and Patients in Treating Prostate Cancer; Prostate Cancer: A Bewildering Disease; How Does Radiation Therapy Work? Brachytherapy (Radioactive Seeds) for Prostate Cancer; Radical Prostatectomy: Surgical Removal of the Prostate; Hormonal Treatment for Prostate Cancer; Cryotherapy (Freezing) for Prostate Cancer; What is Watchful Waiting? If Treatment Fails - What Next? Living with Prostate Cancer; Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) Following Prostate Treatment; What Do Tomatoes, Vitamin E, and Oily Fish Have in Common? Complementary and Alternative Treatments; and Emerging Technologies for Treating Prostate Cancer.