Cira Pascual Marquina is Political Science professor at the Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela in Caracas and a writer and editor for Chris Gilbert teaches Marxist political economy at the Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela. His articles have appeared in Rebelion, LaHaine, Monthly Review, and CounterPunch. Gilbert and Pascual Marquina are creators of the Marxist educational program "Escuela de Cuadros," broadcast on Venezuelan public television.
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""Today more than ever, we need to listen to critical voices from the Venezuelan grassroots, and this is exactly what Venezuela, the Present as Struggle gives us. Cira Pascual Marquina and Chris Gilbert have gathered the tools we need to navigate the treacherous straits between state and movements, economic crisis and sanctions, and to chart a radical course toward socialism.""--George Ciccariello-Maher, author, Building the Commune: Radical Democracy in Venezuela