Introduction. The other side of chaos: understanding the patterns of posttraumatic responses. Acute Responses to Trauma and Disaster. Multiple stressors following a disaster and dissociative symptoms. Exposure to traumatic death in disaster and war. Posttraumatic responses in spouse/significant others of disaster workers. Comorbidity of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression. War-related psychopathology in Kuwait: an assessment of war-related mental health problems. Children of the storm: a study of school children and Hurricane Andrew. Long-Term Responses to Trauma and Disaster. Persistence of PTSD in former prisoners of war. Comorbidity of substance abuse and PTSD. Posttraumatic stress disorder and the risk of traumatic deaths among Vietnam veterans. Combat exposure and PTSD among homeless veterans of three wars. Acute to chronic: etiology and pathophysiology of PTSD -- a biopsychological approach. Neurobiological alterations in PTSD: a review of the clinical literature. Conclusions. Trauma, time, and recovery. Index.