ContributorsIntroductionSECTION I: General IntroductionChapter 1. Freud and His CircleChapter 2. Psychoanalysis in North America After FreudSECTION II: Core ConceptsChapter 3. Theories of MotivationChapter 4. Unconscious ProcessesChapter 5. TransferenceChapter 6. Countertransference: An Instrument of the AnalysisChapter 7. Defense and ResistanceChapter 8. IntersubjectivityChapter 9. Childhood Experiences and the Adult WorldChapter 10. Gender and SexualitySECTION III: Schools of ThoughtChapter 11. Classical Psychoanalysis: Past and PresentChapter 12. Object RelationsChapter 13. Klein and BionChapter 14. Self PsychologyChapter 15. Relational PsychoanalysisChapter 16. Jacques LacanChapter 17. Infant Research and Adult PsychotherapySECTION IV: Treatment and TechniqueChapter 18. Transference, Countertransference, and the Real RelationshipChapter 19. Theories of Therapeutic Action and Their Clinical ConsequencesChapter 20. Process, Resistance, and InterpretationChapter 21. Termination and ReanalysisChapter 22. Combining Psychoanalysis and Psychopharmacology: Theory and TechniqueChapter 23. Technique in Child AnalysisChapter 24. Ethics in PsychoanalysisChapter 25. Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Historical Development and Present RelationshipSECTION V: ResearchChapter 26. Research on Outcomes of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalysis-Derived PsychotherapiesChapter 27. Psychoanalytic Process ResearchChapter 28. Developmental Research SECTION VI: Psychoanalysis and Other DisciplinesChapter 29. Psychoanalysis and the NeurosciencesChapter 30. Psychoanalysis and PhilosophyChapter 31. Psychoanalysis and AnthropologyChapter 32. Race, Ethnicity, and NationalityChapter 33. Psychoanalysis and LiteratureChapter 34. Psychoanalysis and the Visual ArtsChapter 35. Psychoanalysis and FilmChapter 36. Psychoanalysis and MusicGlossaryIndex