Drift and Diversity in an Age of AusterityMartin A. Levin Reform Without Change, Change Without Reform: The Politics of U.S. Health Policy Reform in Cross-National PerspectiveJacob HackerPublic Pension Regimes in an Age of AusterityR. Kent WeaverActivation Through Thick and Thin: Progressive Strategies for Increasing Labor Force ParticipationJonah Levy The Dynamics of Immigration Reform in Comparative Perspectives: Sunshine and Shadow Politics in the U.S. and EuropeVirginie Guiraudon The European Union and the Diffusion of Disability RightsThomas Burke The Hare and the Tortoise Revisited: The New Politics of Consumer and Environmental Regulation in EuropeDavid Vogel The Politics of Environmental Policy in the United States and the European UnionDaniel Kelemen Austerity Politics, the New Public Management, and the Politics of Administrative ReformAdam Sheingate The State of the Corporation: State, Power, Politics, Policymaking and Corporate Governance in the United States, Germany, and FranceJohn Cioffi Politics and Policy: A Transatlantic PerspectiveMartin Shapiro