Acknowledgments IntroductionCristina Sanz Part 1: THEORY AND METHODOLOGY1. Adult SLA: The interaction between external and internal factorsCristina Sanz 2. Research methodology: Quantitative approachesRusan Chen 3. Research methodology: Qualitative researchRebecca Adams, Akiko Fuji, and Alison Mackey PART 2: INTERNAL FACTORS 4. Individual differences: Age, sex, working memory, and prior knowledgeHarriet Wood Bowden, Cristina Sanz, and Catherine A. Stafford 5. A cognitive neuroscience perspective on second language acquisition: The declarative/procedural modelMichael T. Ullman 6. Attention and awareness in SLARonald P. Leow and Melissa A. Bowles Part 3: EXTERNAL FACTORS 7. Input and InteractionAlison Mackey and Rebekha Abbuhl 8. Explicitness in pedagogical interventions: Input, practice, and feedback Cristina Sanz and Kara Morgan-Short Part 4: PEDAGOGICAL IMPLICATIONS 9. Processing Instruction Bill VanPatten 10. Content-based foreign language instruction Heidi Byrnes Contributors Index