Preface 1. The State of The Art of Teaching Spanish: From Research to PraxisRafael Salaberry and Barbara Lafford 2. A Content-Based Approach to Spanish Language Study: Foreign Languages Across the CurriculumCarol A. Klee and Gwendolyn Barnes-Karol 3. Spanish SLA Research, Classroom Practice and Curriculum DesignJoseph Collentine 4. Theoretical and Research Considerations Underlying Classroom Practice: The Fundamental Role of InputBill VanPatten and Michael Leeser5. Concept-Based Instruction and The Acquisition of L2 SpanishEduardo Negueruela and James P. Lantolf 6. The Effects of Study Abroad and Classroom Contexts on the Acquistion of Spanish as a Second Language: From Research to ApplicationBarbara Lafford and Joseph Collentine 7. Online Language Learning: The Case of Spanish Without WallsRobert Blake and Ann Marie Delforge8. Testing SpanishRafael Salaberry and Andrew D. Cohen 9. Incorporating Linguistic Variation into the ClassroomManuel J. Gutierezz and Marta Fairclough 10. Making Connections: Second Language Acquisition Research and Heritage Language TeachingGuadalupe Valdes 11. Spanish Second Language Acquisition: Applications to the Teaching of Professional Translation (and Interpretation)Sonia ColinaContributors Index