Preface Part I: The Basics 1. Defining Contracting and Contract Management 2. What Are the Public Ethics of Contracting? 3. What is Network Management? 4. Ensuring Accountability and Democratic Representation in Government Contracting Part II: When Do You Contract, When Don't You Contract, and How Do You Find the Right Contractor? 5. When Should You and When Shouldn't You Contract Out? 6. How Do You Find the Right Contractor? Part III: How Do You Manage Contractors? 7. Managing Contracts: The Skills You Need and What Can Go Wrong-Twenty Common Problems in Contracting 8. Performance Measurement and Performance Management Part IV: Case Studies in Contracting 9. When Not to Contract: The U.S. Military and Iraq 10. When Contracting Really Works: Welfare-to-Work in Philadelphia 11. When Contracting Really Doesn't Work: Atlanta's Water Contract Part V: Conclusions 12. Contracting, Representative Democracy, and Public Ethics References Index